Events and Invitations


23 - 25 Mar
International school for students entering the master's program «Architectural and landscape design as a creative activity»
An international school for entrants to the master programs “Landscape design and creative” will take place in the Agrarian and Technological Institute of RUDN University in March 23-25, 2020.
16 - 18 Mar
The school for prospective master students «International UN-Model «U-Model» 2020»
Under the implementation of the major Project of Competitiveness Enhancement (Program “5-100”, Project A40) of the leading Russian universities in the list of the world’s leading researching- and educational centers, the School for prospective master students “International UN-Model “U-Model” 2020” will be held on the faculty of humanitarian and social sciences of the RUDN University on March 16-18th.