Events and Invitations


21 - 24 Nov
II International Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists “For the Sustainable Development of Civilization: Cooperation, Science, Education, Technology (Africa's path to the 17 SDGs: an integrated approach)”
We are pleased to invite you to participate in the II International Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists "For the Sustainable Development of Civilization: Cooperation, Science, Education, Technology”. The regional focus of the conference in 2023 will be African countries.
Direction: Science
Event format: Сonference
17 - 18 Nov
The conference is held jointly with the Higher National School of Forestry, Algeria, the National Directorate of Remote Sensing and Space Sciences, Egypt and the National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Russia.
16 Nov
Conference “Language and cultures: prospects for development in the 21st century”
The international conference arranged for students and teachers of foreign languages will contribute to improving the quality of learning foreign languages and cultures in accordance with the new requirements for education in Social Sciences and Humanities. Globalization process brings about the necessity of changing methods of foreign languages teaching, rethinking global values, methodological basis and the results of linguistic education.
16 Nov
Conference “Mass Communication Media in a Multipolar World: Problems and Perspectives”
The conference is devoted to scientific understanding of current changes in the functioning of mass media and new media, as well as practical innovations in the sphere of media communications in the context of digitalisation of information space in crisis situations.
Direction: Education
Event format: Сonference
16 Nov
Conference “The Multipolar World in the Mirror of Contemporary Youth Media Communication”
The conference aims to produce a discussion platform, bringing together researchers, practitioners and educators from different areas – journalism and media, linguistics, philology and discourse studies, public relations, marketing, psychology, international relations, political studies, cultural studies, sociology, etc. – to exchange and share their experiences and research results.
Direction: Science
Event format: Сonference
15 Nov
Conference “Expanding Boundaries”
The conference is for young scientists working on their thesis research, using a variety of traditional and innovative scientific methods, passionate about science and open to new approaches and ideas.
Direction: Science
Event format: Сonference