Events and Invitations
Master-class "Psychological support for employees in a modern Russian organization"
Larionchikova V.N., general director of the audit company LLC Audit VS, spoke to psychology students with a master class on the specifics of psychological support for employees of various organizations in the economic sector. The event provides an opportunity to communicate directly with employers, determine areas of further practical activity, and find out answers to questions of interest about further employment and work.
International Conference on Journalism, PR and Media Trends. Media and Сommunication
For the last few years, due to the increases in active information and communication technologies adoption, mass media activities have considerably changed in their organization and nature. Digitalization processes have marked the beginning of a new era of mass media and communication development. The approaches to creating, disseminating and analyzing media texts have changed significantly.
School "Is Journalism a Science?"
According to the school program, leading Russian and foreign scientists in the sphere of media will analyze and forecast the development of Russian and foreign journalism in the context of the growing influence of the media and global communication mechanisms on the political, social and economic situation in society.
Master class at RUDN University with a famous journalist Andrei Nikolaev of Russia Today
Participation of RUDN University students in a press conference by Russia Today Moscow news agency. Master class at RUDN University from the famous journalist Andrei Nikolaev (VID, TV-6, "Argumenti i facti" newspaper). The event provides an opportunity to communicate directly with employers, determine areas of further practical activity, and find out answers to questions of interest about further employment and work.