About RUDN
29 Nov 2016
Presidential Library will enrich 150 countries – RUDN opened an electronic reading room for 30 seats

November 10th, RUDN opened a Presidential Library electronic reading hall named after B.N. Yeltsin - students, teachers and guests of the University gained access to more than 500,000 texts and multimedia materials  on history, theory and practice of the Russian state, and the achievements of science and art.

About RUDN
28 Nov 2016
Environmental protection questions were discussed by young scientists at the RUDN conference "Environmental Problems of the Third Millennium"

In November, at the RUDN Ecological faculty Youth Scientific Conference "Environmental Problems of the Third Millennium" was held.

About RUDN
26 Nov 2016
Topical issues of European and Oriental languages under globalization discussed at RUDN

The research and practice seminar "Languages and Culture: Prospects for Development in the 21st Century" took place at RUDN Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in November (in Russian, English, Spanish, French, German, Chinese, Arabic, Italian and Japanese).

About RUDN
25 Nov 2016
International scientific conference of bachelors, masters and PG students “World economy in the XXI century: global challenges and perspectives of development”

International scientific conference of bachelors, masters and PG students “World economy in the XXI century:global challenges and perspectives of development”.

November 25, 2016, the international scientific conference of bachelors, masters and PG students “World economy in theXXI century:global challenges and perspectives of development” takes place atthe Institute of World Economy and Business of the Peoples’ friendship university of Russia. 

The conference will focus on the following questions:

-Business communications in the context of modern economic relations;

- International business: current transfers of technology and management experience;

-Globalization and internationalization of the world economy: modern trends.

Where: 6, Miklukho-Maklaya str., Moscow

Contact person: E.Gubanova

Tel. 8-495-433-40-29, ext.2480

About RUDN
24 Nov 2016
RUDN IWEB students attend lecture “Customs and traditions in target language countries” during the Week of Tolerance

November 24, 2016, lecture “Customs and traditions in target language countries” will be held in Room 17 at 2.50 p.m. as a part of the Week of Tolerance with RUDN IWEB students involved. 
This event is supposed to familiarize students with culture, traditions and customs of the target language, main public and national holidays, customs, general trends in the development and national cultural identity of target language countries.
Number of participants: 25 
Сoordinator: R.A. Bagautdinova

About RUDN
22 Nov 2016
RUDN UNIVERSITY conquered «EuroMadrid -2016»!

RUDN swimming team and RUDN women’s volleyball team came back from «EuroMadrid – 2016» with gold medals. November 16-21, teams from 22 countries participated in the competition.

About RUDN
22 Nov 2016
Scientific-practical conference "Current problems of intercultural communication"

Russian Student Scientific Practical Conference "Current problems of intercultural communication" will be held  22 – 23 November, 2016 (in Russian, English, Spanish, French, German, Chinese, Arabic, Italian and Japanese languages).
Organizer is Department of Foreign Languages of RUDN Faculty of Philology.
The purpose and aim of the conference  is to give a possibility to students and postgraduates to present their results of  research, to facilitate the exchange of scientific knowledge between students and postgraduates in the scientific debate, to expand their scientific horizons, to discuss ways of intensification in linguistic research.
Students and postgraduates from RUDN "Linguistics" specialty and other leading Russian universities students participate. 
Collection of materials will be published after the conference.
Where – 10/2 “A” Miklukho-Maklaya str., 
President of Organizing Committee PhD Julia Ebzeeva, associate professor, head of the Department of Foreign Languages (Faculty of Philology)
Contact person - Anna Levshits
Tel. - (495) 434-2012

About RUDN
22 Nov 2016
Student scientific-practical conference "Languages and Culture: Prospects for Development in the 21st Century"

Student scientific-practical conference "Languages and Culture: Prospects for Development in the 21st Century" is to take place at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (RUDN University) at 10:30 on 22 November.

The participants of the conference will discuss in foreign languages following topics: European and Eastern languages in the context of globalization: features of functioning and prospects of development and cooperation; globalization of the English language and the development prospects of other national languages; Westernization and export of Western values; individualism, democracy and freedom; systemic crisis in the developed countries; dynamics of the civilizations development; human rights; social modernization; the growth of social polarization; anti-globalism; fundamentalism, radical movements, terrorism; prospects for development of international and regional organizations; confrontation between the West and other civilizations.

The teachers of Foreign Languages Department of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (RUDN University) as well as students studying linguistic programs "Translator in the sphere of professional activity", "Translator in professional communications", "Interpreter with knowledge of a foreign language " will participate in the scientific-practical conference.

Brief event structure:

10:30 - 11:00 registration of participants

11:00 – opening of the conference

14:00 - 14:30 - Coffee break;

18:00 – conference closing

Where: Moscow, Miklukho-Maklaya str, 10/2, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, room 325

About RUDN
21 Nov 2016
IXX International conference “Distributed computer and telecommunication nets: management, calculation, connection — 2016» (DCCN 2016)

November 21 –25, RUDN hosts IXX International conference “Distributed computer and telecommunication nets: management, calculation, connection — 2016» (DCCN 2016).

Partners of the conference – Russian Academy of sciences, V.Trapeznikov Institute of management issues of the RAS, National Research Tomsk state university, Institute of information and communication technologies of the Bulgarian Academy of sciences and “Information and net technologies” scientific-production company. RUDN was represented by the Department of applied computer science and relativity theory. In the steering committee RUDN was represented by prof.K,Samuilov.

Themes of the conference: “Optimization of computer and telecommunication networks architecture», “Management of computer and telecommunication networks”, “Benchmark and service performance in wireless networks”, “Analytic and simulation modeling of next-generation communication systems”, “Wireless 4G/5G networks and microwave technologies”, “RFID technologies and their application in the intellectual transportation system”, “Internet of things, wearable devices, applications of distributed information system”, “Distributed systems and cloud-based systems, large data mining”, “Stochastic and static models in IS”, “Queueing theory, reliability theory and their application”, “Math modeling of high-end systems”, “Math modeling and control problems”.

Received works will be included in the RSCI citation base of, selected works will be included in the Scopus international citation base.

Contact person: Dmitry Kozyrev , e-mail:

About RUDN
21 Nov 2016
The 19th international conference “Distributed computer and telecommunication networks: management, calculation, communication — 2016” (DCCN 2016)

The 19th international conference “Distributed computer and telecommunication networks: management, calculation, communication — 2016” is to be held at Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia on 21– 25 November.

About RUDN
19 Nov 2016
Forum of the International student construction team “Friendship Meridian”

The meeting of the International student construction team “Friendship Meridian”will be held on November 25. This day the best participants, counselors, leaders and veterans of the student brigade of any age traditionally come together in RUDN.

About RUDN
19 Nov 2016
IXX International conference «Distributed computer and telecommunication nets: management, calculation, connection — 2016» (DCCN 2016)

November 21 –25, RUDNhosts IXX International conference “Distributed computer and telecommunication nets: management, calculation, connection — 2016» (DCCN 2016).
Partners of the conference – Russian Academy of sciences, V.Trapeznikov Institute of management issues of the RAS, National Research Tomsk state university, Institute of information and communication technologies of the Bulgarian Academy of sciences