About RUDN
20 Jun 2015
International Scientific and Practical conference "Russian language and the problems of socio-cultural adaptation of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation"

International Scientific and Practical conference "Russian language and the problems of socio-cultural adaptation of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation" June 5, 2015, an International Scientific and Practical conference "Russian language and the problems of socio-cultural adaptation of forei

About RUDN
20 Jun 2015
Memory rally devoted to the beginning of the war

The memory rally devoted to the beginning of the war June, 22 the traditional ceremony: the memory rally devoted to the beginning of the war of the 1-year ecologists will take place at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier (Vasilievskoye village, Staritsky district, Tver Region).

About RUDN
20 Jun 2015
Visit of the delegation of Soka University

Peoples' Friendship University was visited by the delegation of Soka University headed by the Rector, Professor Yoshihisa Baba. June 22, 2015, Peoples' Friendship University was visited by the delegation of Soka University headed by the Rector, Professo

About RUDN
19 Jun 2015
Excursion to Staritsa

An excursion to Staritsa June, 20 an excursion to Staritsa will be organized for students of the Ecological Faculty. Staritsa is the pearl of the old Russian church architecture.

About RUDN
19 Jun 2015
Graduation of bachelors, specialists and masters of the Agrarian Faculty

Graduation of bachelors, specialists and masters of the Agrarian Faculty June, 20 the ceremonial meeting of the Academic Board of the Agrarian Faculty devoted to the graduation of bachelors, specialists and masters will take place in RUDN University main building’s assembly hall. Start at 11.00.

About RUDN
18 Jun 2015
Graduation of bachelors, specialists and masters of the Ecological Faculty

Graduation of bachelors, specialists and masters of the Ecological Faculty June, 19 the ceremonial meeting of the Academic Board of the Ecological Faculty devoted to the graduation of bachelors, specialists and masters will take place in RUDN University main building’s assembly hall. Start at 11.00.

About RUDN
18 Jun 2015
Graduation of masters and specialists of the Law Institute

Graduation of masters and specialists of the Law Institute June, 19 the ceremonial meeting of the Academic Board of the Law Institute devoted to the graduation of masters and specialists will take place in RUDN University main building’s assembly hall. Start at 4.00 pm.

About RUDN
15 Jun 2015
All-Russian Scientific and Practical conference "The student union movement in Russia: dialogue with the authorities, rectors and society"

All-Russian Scientific and Practical conference "The student union movement in Russia: dialogue with the authorities, rectors and society" June 2, 2015, in Moscow at the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia was held an All-Russian Scientific and Practical conference "The student union movement i

About RUDN
15 Jun 2015
RUDN University IFL Summer School “Intercultural Dialogue - East and West”

RUDN University IFL Summer School “Intercultural Dialogue - East and West” From 29th of June to 12th of July, the IFL held the summer school for graduates of the European School of University Education and Businesses “Eseune” (Spain) for the third time. This year the IFL training program “Intercultu

About RUDN
14 Jun 2015
Scientific-methodological seminar “Linguo-didactic issues of linguistics”

Scientific-methodological seminar “Linguo-didactic issues of linguistics” 10 June, a regular meeting of the scientific-methodological seminar “Linguo-didactic issues of linguistics” is expected at the Department of Theory and Practice of Foreign Languages of the IFL. Senior teacher of the Department

About RUDN
12 Jun 2015
Graduation of masters and specialists of the Faculty of Philology

Graduation of masters and specialists (full-time course and night-class) of the Faculty of Philology June, 18 the ceremonial meeting of the Academic Board of the Faculty of Philology devoted to the graduation of masters and specialists (full-time course and night-class) will take place in RUDN Unive

About RUDN
10 Jun 2015
Anniversary of the Student Russian Sports Clubs Association

Anniversary of the Student Russian Sports Clubs Association (SSCA) June 26, RUDN University Sport Club "Druzhba" together with the Student Russian Sports Clubs Association held a ceremonial event dedicated to the 2nd anniversary of the Student Russian Sports Clubs Association (SSCA). The event consi