About RUDN
05 May 2015
Cyprus celebrates “Days of RUDN University”

Cyprus celebrates “Days of RUDN University” dedicated to the 55th anniversary of RUDN University From 14 to 17 May, Cyprus celebrated “Days of RUDN University” dedicated to the 55th anniversary of RUDN University. The meeting was organized by the RUDN University Alumni Department, the Cyprian Associ

About RUDN
01 May 2015
Conference "Man and War"

Students Scientific Conference "Man and War: It is not the dead who need it but the living ones !" May 6, IFL will conduct students scientific and practical conference "Man and War: It is not the dead who need it but the living ones!" The event is dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory in

About RUDN
01 May 2015
Second-year students of the Faculty of Science of RUDN University takes the 3rd place in the Moscow interuniversity competition

Second-year students of the Faculty of Science of RUDN University Julia Sukhina and Maria Lukina took the 3rd place in the Moscow interuniversity competition of presentations "Innovative Technologies of the 21st Century", made in English. April 28, 2015, Moscow State University of Information Techno

About RUDN
30 Apr 2015
All-Russian Conference "Information and telecommunication technologies and mathematical modeling of high-tech systems"

All-Russian Conference (with international participation), "Information and telecommunication technologies and mathematical modeling of high-tech systems" April 20-24, All-Russian Conference (with international participation), "Information and telecommunication technologies and mathematical modeling

About RUDN
28 Apr 2015
Congratulations to the team of KVN RUDN University

Congratulations to the team of KVN RUDN University on excellent performance in the 1/4 finals and getting into the semi-finals of the International League of KVN!

About RUDN
28 Apr 2015
Culture Days of students from Mexico

Culture Days of students from Mexico April 21-22, the University hosted the Culture Days of students from Mexico. The Culture Days included national exhibitions of students association and demonstration of Mexican movies.

About RUDN
27 Apr 2015
Days of Turkish culture

Days of Turkish culture April 27-30, RUDN University ran the Days of Turkish culture. In the framework of this event the Turkish community held the national exhibitions and showed a movie.

About RUDN
27 Apr 2015
Final evening party of RUDN University Socially oriented volunteer project “From the First person”

The final evening party of RUDN University Socially oriented volunteer project “From the First person” April 27, the assembly hall of RUDN University Interclub ran the final evening party of RUDN University Socially oriented volunteer project “From the First person”. This evening was attended by the

About RUDN
27 Apr 2015
The future dentists’ dental restoration training

The future dentists’ dental restoration training April 22, the students of Medical Institute majoring in “Dentistry” took dental restoration training courses in Vaduz (Liechtenstein). They also visited a plant of optics. The training was organized by F. Daurova, professor, Head of the of Preventive

About RUDN
26 Apr 2015
RUDN University’s Institute of Foreign Languages delegation visit to the Gzelian State Art-Industrial Institute

RUDN University’s Institute of Foreign Languages delegation visit to the Gzelian State Art-Industrial Institute April 22, RUDN University’s Institute of Foreign Languages delegation consisting of N. Bezrukova, Deputy Director of public relations, A. Shabanova, professor of foreign languages, theory

About RUDN
25 Apr 2015
Concert of “Friendship Rhythms”

Creative report concert of “Friendship Rhythms” group April 23, “Friendship Rhythms” group invited to the creative report concert. The programme included series of dances on the occasion of the 70 anniversary of the Great Victory, national dances, popular songs performed by graduates of the classica

About RUDN
25 Apr 2015
Leading university in Turkey visits the RUDN University

A delegation of academicians and rectors from the leading universities in Turkey visits the RUDN University April, 22, a meeting between the RUDN University Rector, V. Filippov with the representatives of the Turkish delegation - academicians and rectors of universities in Tur