About RUDN
27 Mar 2015
III International Scientific Practical Conference of students

III International Scientific Practical Conference of students, postgraduates and young scientists "Topical problems of human rights protection in the Islamic world" March 27, 10.00, the Law Institute of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia holds the Third International Scientific Conference

About RUDN
27 Mar 2015
Internet Olympics

Final rounds of the Open International Students' Internet Olympics March 27-28, Final (all-Russian) rounds of the Open International Students' Internet Olympics on disciplines: economics, ecology, theoretical mechanics, strength of materials, statistics, informatics will be held.

About RUDN
27 Mar 2015
RUDN University swimming championship

RUDN University swimming championship within the framework of the 53rd RUDN University Sports Games March 29, at 11 a.m. in the pool "Youth" the RUDN University swimming championship will be held within the framework of the 53rd RUDN University Sports Games.

About RUDN
27 Mar 2015
Tour to the memorial-estate Kolomenskoy

Guided tour for students to the memorial-estate Kolomenskoye March 28, at 3 p.m. the students of the Russian language Department №4 depart for a fascinating tour to the memorial-estate Kolomenskoye - one of the oldest human settlements on the territory of modern Moscow. The archaeological sites, loc

About RUDN
27 Mar 2015
Work of RUDN University IHBiT

Work of RUDN University IHBiT students in the Organizing committee of the MITT international exhibition March 18-21 within cooperation with one of the world's largest and the Russia's first exhibition company ITE Moscow students of RUDN University Institute of Hotel Business and Tourism will work in

About RUDN
27 Mar 2015
XI Interacademic Scientific Conference

XI Interacademic Scientific Conference of Students, Postgraduates and Young Scientists "Modern Problems of International Relations and World Politics" March 27, 12.30 am-5.30 pm, hall 415, building of RUDN University Natural and Humanitarian faculties holds XI Interacademic Scientific Conference of

About RUDN
26 Mar 2015
Meeting of the Russian language Club"70 Years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War"

Meeting of the Russian language Club"70 Years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War" March 27, 2.20, lecture hall "Russian World" will hold a meeting of the Russian language Club. The theme of the meeting: "70 Years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War." Students will learn about the importance of

About RUDN
25 Mar 2015
Best room

The best room March 16, the first stage of the contest "The best dormitory room." Finished. 100% RUDN University student dormitories rooms have been checked. Only 56 rooms entered the next stage of the context.

About RUDN
25 Mar 2015
Festival of national costumes in the club "Cultural Space"

Festival of national costumes in the club "Cultural Space" March 27, 2.00 pm, Club "Cultural Space" presents the festival of national costumes. The Conference hall of the Faculty will host the feast. Everyone interested is invited.

About RUDN
25 Mar 2015
Russian Scientific Practical conference

Russian Scientific Practical conference "Topical problems of natural resource and environmental law" March 26, 10.00,the main building of Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (Room. 347) holds Russian Scientific Practical conference "Topical problems of natural resource and environmental law." T

About RUDN
24 Mar 2015
Student's competition "You're Simply the Best-2015"

Student's competition "You're Simply the Best-2015" March 5, in the Assembly hall of RUDN University Main building final round of student's competition of "You're Simply the Best-2015" took place. The competition was held within psychology and pedagogical practice of students of Linguistics of the I

About RUDN
23 Mar 2015
Darwin Museum Excursion

Excursion to the Darwin Museum for students March 24, 12:40, students of the Department of the Russian language №2 will go on an excursion to the Darwin Museum.