About RUDN
16 Nov 2014
Lecture “How to grow a pineapple in the Moscow region”

Lecture “How to grow a pineapple in the Moscow region” in the frame of “University Saturdays” project November 22, at 11.00 the Agrarian faculty will hold a lecture “How to grow a pineapple in the Moscow region” for school students, university students and adults.

About RUDN
16 Nov 2014
Musical planet No. 25

Musical planet No. 25 November 18, in the Assembly hall of main building musical salon "Musical Planet No. 25" "Times and years: to the 90th anniversary of V. F. Stanis" will be held. 500 participants will participate in the event.

About RUDN
16 Nov 2014
RUDN University arm-wrestling championship

RUDN University arm-wrestling championship November 23, at 10.00 arm-wrestling championship between RUDN University faculties within the 53rd Sports contest of the University will take place in Sports Complex.

About RUDN
16 Nov 2014
Scientific and methodical seminar "Topical problems of social pedagogics, psychology and management of human resources development of society"

Scientific and methodical seminar "Topical problems of social pedagogics, psychology and management of human resources development of society (social management)" November 21, at 3.30 pm IFL Department of social pedagogics will host a meeting of scientific and methodical seminar "Topical problems of

About RUDN
16 Nov 2014
Scientific seminar on problems of distribution of the Ebola virus

Scientific seminar on problems of distribution of the Ebola virus November 18, at 4.00 pm the Department of microbiology and virology of RUDN University Medical institute will host the scientific seminar "Diagnosis of bacterial and viral infectious diseases". The report "Distribution of the Ebola vi

About RUDN
15 Nov 2014
Conference “Communication media in polycentric world : problems and prospects”

“Communication media in polycentric world : problems and prospects” , the 5th All- Russian research and practice conference. November 5, “ Communication media in polycentric world : problems and prospects” , the 5th All- Russian research and practice conference took place on a high scientific level

About RUDN
15 Nov 2014
Days of culture of students from Yemen

Days of culture of students from Yemen November 20-30, Days of culture of students from Yemen will be held in the University. Within Days of culture national exhibitions of the association, a round table, demonstration of the documentary film and a concert in the Assembly hall of Interclub of RUDN U

About RUDN
15 Nov 2014
Meeting with the delegation of the Vietnamese National University

Meeting with the delegation of the Vietnamese National University October 30, O.Andreeva, Vice-Rector for International Activity met the delegation of the Vietnamese National University headed by the Rector. During the meeting the parties discussed the issues of cooperation between universities and

About RUDN
15 Nov 2014
Students` conference “The topical problems of the modern marketing”

Students` conference “The topical problems of the modern marketing” November 7, the Department of marketing held the conference “Topical problems of modern marketing” as part of the 11th students` conference of Moscow “”Students` science”. Chernysheva A. M., associate professor, Ph.D. in Economics l

About RUDN
14 Nov 2014
Days of culture of students from Lebanon

Days of culture of students from Lebanon November 19-22, RUDN University will hold Days of culture of students from Lebanon. Within Days of culture national exhibitions of the association in the hall of RUDN University main building, in the hall of the building of FRLGD and in the hall of the buildi

About RUDN
14 Nov 2014
International scientific and practical conference "Youth in modern society: problems and prospects"

International scientific and practical conference "Youth in modern society: problems and prospects" November 20-21, in the building of the faculty of Humanitarian and social sciences (Moscow, Miklukho-Maklaya St., 10, building 2) International scientific and practical conference "Youth in modern soc

About RUDN
14 Nov 2014
International scientific conference "Current Problems of the Criminal Law and Process in the conditions of Legislation Reforming"

International scientific conference "Current Problems of the Criminal Law and Process in the conditions of Legislation Reforming" November 13, at 10:00 in RUDN University main building in Hall No. 347 at the Law Institute international scientific conference "Current Problems of the Criminal Law and