About RUDN
12 Sep 2014
Innovations in Psychology and Pedagogical Education

September 22. In IFL the department of social pedagogics will host student's scientific and practical conference "Innovations in Psychology and Pedagogical Education". The conference precedes the externship of students of specialist programme "Social pedagogics" and bachelor degree students of "Psyc

About RUDN
12 Sep 2014
Participation in the international conference “Language policy and language conflicts in the contemporary world”

Participation in the international conference “Language policy and language conflicts in the contemporary world” September 16, IIP graduate students of “The Foreign area studies” (Russian studies major) took part in the conference “Language policy and language conflicts in the contemporary world”. T

About RUDN
12 Sep 2014
Review competition for the title of the best educational group of the Medical institute

September 19. At 5.00 p.m. in Room 109 the results of review competition for the best educational group of the Medical institute will be summed up and the winners rewarded. Responsible for the event – K.O. Vorontsova, E.V. Konova.

About RUDN
12 Sep 2014
Round-table discussion "Development of bilateral communication between scientists, teachers and research centers of Russia and China"

Round-table discussion "Development of bilateral communication between scientists, teachers and research centers of Russia and China". September 10. Round-table discussion "Development of bilateral communication between scientists, teachers and research centers of Russia and China" took place at the

About RUDN
12 Sep 2014
The participation in "The days of ecological education in the Middle Volga region"

The participation in "The days of ecological education in the Middle Volga region" September 15 -19, 2014, V. V. Glebov and M. A. Nekrasova, employees of the Ecological faculty were on a business trip in Samara. Our colleagues with their public lectures were invited within "The days of ecological ed

About RUDN
12 Sep 2014
“Public Relations (PR) and Advertising Mahager” course

September 14. "Manager on Public Relations (PR) and Advertising" course starts (510 academic hours). The group will be trained according to the updated, more advanced schedule of training.

About RUDN
10 Sep 2014
Clinical and Laboratory Aspects of Modern Hematology

September 18-19. 10.00 - 3.30 p.m. on the clinical base of the department of hospital therapy of RUDN University in municipal clinical hospital #52 the IV Russian scientific and practical conference "Clinical Laboratory Aspects of Modern Hematology" will take place. This conference is organized by R

About RUDN
10 Sep 2014
Day of HR manager

September 17. In IFL at the department of social pedagogics the meeting "It’s all about the people!", devoted to professional holiday “Day of HR manager” will take place. The aim – acquaintance with the future profession in the frame of all-European competences. Beginning: 12.00 . Venue: Room 507, b

About RUDN
10 Sep 2014
Successful performance of Sports Club "Druzhba"

Successful performance of Sports Club "Druzhba" in the first sporting and patriotic camp of Student Sports Clubs Association of Russia (SSCA of Russia) in Petrozavodsk. On August 24-30, in the city of Petrozavodsk "Druzhba" Sports Club of RUDN University took an active part in the first sports and p

About RUDN
10 Sep 2014
The delegation of young representatives of the scientific circles from Palestine visited RUDN University

The delegation of young representatives of the scientific circles from Palestine visited RUDN University September 9, the delegation of young scientific circles representatives from Palestine paid a visit to RUDN University. The programme of the delegation to RUDN University included the tour of the

About RUDN
10 Sep 2014
The lecture "New trends of contemporary international relations" for high-school students from Moscow schools

The lecture "New trends of contemporary international relations" for high-school students from Moscow schools September 20, a lecture "New trends of contemporary international relations" for high-school students from Moscow schools was held at the Faculty of Humanitarian and social sciences within t

About RUDN
10 Sep 2014
VII All-Russian scientific and practical seminar

On September 6-9, in Sochi the traditional VII All-Russian scientific and practical seminar "The reproductive capacity of Russia: versions and counter versions" took place. It was organized by RUDN University with the support of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, the Min