About RUDN
24 Jul 2012
International Day of Nelson Mandela

On July 18, 2012, Head of the Department of African countries Bogatyreva E.G., director of the Center for African Studies, Ph.D. Yurtaev V.I., and the Peoples' Friendship University post-graduate students participated in a roundtable on the International Day of Nelson Mandela, organized by the UN In

About RUDN
23 Jul 2012
III Korea-Russia Youth Dialogue

From the 1st to the 6th of July the RUDN University’s students and staff members became members of the official Russian Federation Delegation to the III Korea-Russia Youth Dialogue, which held in Seoul (Republic of Korea).

About RUDN
05 Jul 2012
52nd Anniversary of Independence of the Democratic Republic of Congo,

On July 3rd 2012, the staff of the Department of African countries of RUDN University took part in celebration of the 52nd Anniversary of Independence of Democratic Republic of Congo, held in Glav UpDK under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The celebration has been attended by representatives of Dip

About RUDN
02 Jul 2012
RUDN representatives at the National Day of Mongolia

On 28 June, representatives of the Department of Asia attended the Reception on the occasion of National Day of Mongolia Naadam at the Embassy of Mongolia in the Russian Federation and congratulated the Ambassador of Mongolia in Russia Mr. Doloonjin Idevkhten on behalf of the Rector of the People's

About RUDN
02 Jul 2012
The delegation of the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia at the III Russia-Korea Youth Dialogue

From 1, July to 6, July Youth delegation of the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia will participate at the III Russia-Korea Youth Dialogue, which +F2:F1414will be held at on the base of the Korea University. During the Forum issues of professional acquaintance with culture, political and econo

About RUDN
27 Jun 2012
RUDN - Tulane University (USA) - cooperation prospects

On June 25, Vice-rector for International Affaires G.A. Krasnova had a meeting with a delegation of the Tulane University (USA). During the meeting the parties discussed prospects of cooperation in organization of a summer school for students of the Tulane University on the base of the Peoples’ Fri

About RUDN
25 Jun 2012
Officials of China Service Center for Scholarly Exchange visit RUDN

On 22 June, the delegation of the China Service Center for Scholarly Exchange, the Ministry of Education of China, headed by the General Director Mr. Bai Zhangde visited the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. During the meeting with acting Vice-Rector for International Activities N.V. Syulkov

About RUDN
22 Jun 2012
RUDN trains specialists for Vietnam

On 21 June, 2012, acting Vice-Rector for International Activities N.V. Syulkova had a meeting with a delegation of the Ministry of Education and Training of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Issues on training of specialists for Vietnam at the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia were discuss

About RUDN
21 Jun 2012
RUDN Department of Asia in China

From 12 to 21 June, a delegation of the Department of Asia is on a business trip to China. During the business trip the delegation visited Beijing, Harbin, Heihe, Mudanjiang, Suifenhe, and held exhibition-presentations of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia for representatives of education

About RUDN
20 Jun 2012
First English-taught program for medical students

Classes for the 1st group of students specialty "Medicine" in English medium in 2012/2013 academic year will start on 1, September. Classes for the 2nd group of students specialty "Medicine" in English medium in 2012/2013 academic year will start on 15, October.

About RUDN
19 Jun 2012
World Congress on Open Educational Resources(OER) in Paris

On 20-22 June, 2012, the World Congress on Open Educational Resources(OER) under the aegis of UNESCO will take place in Paris. Since 2002, UNESCO has actively supported initiatives on creation of OER in Internet. Particular importance of OER acquired in developing countries, because their use can si

About RUDN
16 Jun 2012
Officials of the Chinese Ministry of Water Resources visit RUDN

On 14 June, 2012, the acting Vice-Rector for International Activities N.V. Syulkova had a meeting with a delegation of the Pearl River Water Resources Commission of the Ministry of Water Resources of P.R. China under the leadership of General Director of the Commission Mr. Yue Zhongming. Dean of the