Actor and speaker of the Chinese Central Television CCTV visits RUDN Philological faculty

Actor and speaker of the Chinese Central Television CCTV visits RUDN Philological faculty

April 3, Jun Chen, actor, speaker of the Chinese Central Television CCTV, the host of the “This is Russia” project in the frameworks of the “Voice of Russia”, web TV portal visited the Philological faculty of RUDN University on the invitation of the Chinese language section of the foreign languages
April 3, Jun Chen, actor, speaker of the Chinese Central Television CCTV, the host of the “This is Russia” project in the frameworks of the “Voice of Russia”, web TV portal visited the Philological faculty of RUDN University on the invitation of the Chinese language section of the foreign languages department. The Chinese celebrity was warmly welcomed by the students who learn the Chinese language. In the course of the meeting the film about the rising Chinese star was shown. The participants of the meeting had a discussion about how to become successful in the profession.
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