IV International Competition of Scientific Studies of graduate students

IV International Competition of Scientific Studies of graduate students

IV International Competition of Scientific Studies of graduate students, organized by the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation "Applied Mathematics and Information Technologies": II degree Diplomas were awarded to: - Ekaterina Eferina (Faculty of Science) "Software pac
IV International Competition of Scientific Studies of graduate students, organized by the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation "Applied Mathematics and Information Technologies": II degree Diplomas were awarded to: - Ekaterina Eferina (Faculty of Science) "Software package for creating stochastic one-step process", the head is PhD of Physico-Mathematical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Applied Informatics and Probability Theory, Dmitriy Kulyabov. - Vyacheslav Begishev (Faculty of Science) "Analysis of mathematical models of radio resources sharing schemes 5G wireless network with traffic machine to machine”, the head is Doctor of Physico-Mathematical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Applied Informatics and Probability Theory Konstantin Samuylov.
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About RUDN
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About RUDN
16 Aug 2023
RUDN University, PSB, Rosfinmonitoring and the Russian Academy of Sciences are developing the Sodruzhestvo telecommunications platform

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