A delegation from Ghana visits RUDN University

A delegation from Ghana visits RUDN University

RUDN University welcomed a delegation of three Municipal Assemblies of the Republic of Ghana - Korle Klottey, La Dade-Kotopon and Ledzokuku. At the meeting the parties discussed the results of the educational school “Solid Waste Management and Circular Economy”, held at the Institute of Ecology of RUDN University this year.

During three weeks, RUDN University scientists shared their experience with nine representatives of the Korle Klottey Municipal Assembly. Lectures, seminars and master classes were aimed at solving problems relevant to Ghana in the field of waste management. After completing advanced training courses, Ghanaian employees learned how to:

  • organize a system of separate collection of solid municipal waste, including used electrical goods and electronic waste;
  • organize a system for sorting municipal solid waste;
  • safely bury solid municipal waste and eliminate a large number of unauthorized landfills.

The school for representatives of Ghana provided a lot of practical training. Students visited waste management plants, learned about the production of equipment for water and wastewater treatment, saw what happens to the housing plastic of electrical appliances, and got acquainted with modern equipment for recycling plastics. They also studied the process of recycling electronic waste: from the moment of receipt to the production of secondary raw materials.

At the end of the visit, representatives of the Municipal Assemblies of La-Date-Kotopon and Ledzokuku expressed interest in conducting courses for employees of their companies.

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