Cluster approach as a new export model for Russian education

Cluster approach as a new export model for Russian education

Video link Moscow - Beirut (Lebanon) - Kitwe-Nkana (Zambia) - Windhoek (Namibia) "Cluster approach as a new export model of Russian education."

Participants in Moscow:

  • Rector of RUDN Vladimir FILIPPOV;
  • Minister of Education of the Gambia, Badara JOOF;
  • Vice-Rector of RUDN for International Affairs Larisa EFREMOVA;
  • Vice-Rector of MIIT Vladimir TIMONIN;
  • Vice-Rector for International Relations of MPEI Alexander TARASOV.

Participants will discuss a new technology of export of Russian education - "Cluster approach", a system for organizing cooperation with government authorities, universities and industrial partners taking into account the national development strategies of the countries of Asia, Africa, Latin America, the Middle East and the CIS. Which countries do they come from and what majors do they choose in Russia? Where and how to find talented foreign applicants? How to convince them to enroll in a Russian university? The event will also present the details of the 2018 admission campaign regarding foreign applicants.


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