Cooperation agreement between RUDN and University of Foreign Languages (HUFS) signed in Seoul

Cooperation agreement between RUDN and University of Foreign Languages (HUFS) signed in Seoul

24 – 28 July, RUDN Rector Vladimir Filippov took part in «Dialogue Russia – Korean Republic» forum of Russian and Korean civil societies in Seoul as co-chair of «Youth dialogue» working group

24 – 28 July, RUDN Rector Vladimir Filippov took part in «Dialogue Russia – Korean Republic» forum of Russian and Korean civil societies in Seoul as co-chair of  «Youth dialogue» working group.

27 July, RUDN Rector delivered a report «Maturing period in Russia and Korea – the institution of family, demographic and housing challenges» in the National Assembly of Korean Republic at the III workshop of youth policy specialists.

«I think you will agree that thanks to the Russian-Korean dialogue young people of both countries will get a wonderful opportunity to join efforts and strengthen relations between our countries. On the agenda today are issues of making strategy for helping young people become grown-ups», said Vladimir Filippov.

During the visit an agreement with HUFS on cooperation in research and education was signed. Among priority fields – modern languages, political science and business management.

Already this year a pilot program of academic exchange for Bachelor students of Law –those studying Korean and RUDN students from Korea.

At a meeting with Chung Kyu Sang, President of Sungkyunkwan University the parties defined cooperation in the field of joint education programs. In September it is planned to sign a cooperation agreement that will enable free studies in «International law» and «Management».


«Dialogue Russia – Korean Republic» forum was first held in 2010 and was dated to the 20th anniversary of establishing relations between the two countries. Since then it has become an expert site for joint solution of civil problems.

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