Expanding Educational Cooperation: RUDN University Hosts BRICS Network University International Governing Board Meeting

Expanding Educational Cooperation: RUDN University Hosts BRICS Network University International Governing Board Meeting

The BRICS Network University International Governing Board is the main coordinating body of the educational consortium. Russia is chairing BRICS in 2024. The event took place in the run-up to the meeting of the Ministers of Education of the countries of the association. The meeting is to take place in Kazan on 11 June.

More than 70 participants joined the BRICS NU IGB meeting remotely. Among them were representatives of the Ministries of Education and universities from the BRICS member countries, including those which have joined this year: Egypt, Iran, UAE, Ethiopia. The following issues were on the agenda: expanding the composition of the Network University, list of priority fields of study, as well as considering a number of normative documents which regulate educational cooperation between the BRICS NU participating universities.

The parties agreed on a possible increase in the number of universities from each BRICS NU member country up to twenty, as well as cooperation in new areas of knowledge: Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities, Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security, Health Sciences.

Vladimir Filippov, Chairman of the meeting, President of RUDN University, made a presentation on the Network University. The aim of the speech is to enable the new BRICS members to gain a full understanding of the BRICS NU functioning and make a decision on joining it. The relevant procedure for signing the protocol is to take place at the meeting of the Ministers of Education of the BRICS member states in Kazan.

The declaration, which provides for holding an extraordinary meeting of the BRICS NU IGB in November 2024 to adopt documents of the Network University in order to increase the efficiency of its work and authority at the international level, was signed following the meeting.

For reference:

The meeting of the BRICS NU IGB was organized by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation supported by RUDN University. The University has been the BRICS NU international coordinator since 2022.

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