The President of RUDN University heads the Consortium of leading organizations for the implementation of the program “Ambassadors of Russian Education and Science”

The President of RUDN University heads the Consortium of leading organizations for the implementation of the program “Ambassadors of Russian Education and Science”

On February 15, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia signed the Agreement on the Consortium of Universities and Scientific Organizations for the implementation of the program “Ambassadors of Russian Education and Science”. Vladimir Filippov, President of the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Chairman of the Higher Attestation Commission, was elected the head of the consortium.

The meeting was attended by Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Konstantin Kosachev, President of the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University) Vladimir Filippov, Rector of Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU) Viktor Sadovnichy, as well as representatives of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, Rossotrudnichestvo, and the Russian Foreign Ministry.

Ambassadors of Russian higher education and science are successful students, employees and graduates of Russian and Soviet universities, statesmen and public figures with the mission to promote Russian education and science at leading international and socially important platforms.

As Valery Falkov noted, despite the pandemic and the changing geopolitical situation, the number of students entering Russian universities is only increasing. Today, more than 350 thousand international students study in Russia. The participation of Russian researchers in major international scientific and technological projects is also preserved.

“The development of international cooperation in the field of science and higher education has always been relevant for us, and it has acquired particular significance in recent years. Today we are launching a project aimed at promoting Russian educational practices, brands of universities and scientific organizations in the world. The program will diversify the mechanisms for finding and attracting talented international students and young researchers to our country,” said the head of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science.

According to the Minister, in recent decades, international academic relations have been developing very actively in the country. Tens of thousands of graduates from various countries of the world have been educated at Russian universities, many of whom have been vert successful in business, politics, and social activities.

“We hope that this program will become a link between those who have received education in Russian universities and those who today promote their achievements, their universities and scientific organizations in different regions of the world,” he said.

At the same time, the institution of ambassadors extends not only to higher, but also to general and secondary vocational education. The corresponding decision was previously taken by the Interdepartmental Working Group.

Konstantin Kosachev drew attention to the fact that educational diplomacy should have its own extraordinary and plenipotentiary representatives. Therefore, the created institute will act as an instrument of humanitarian relations with foreign countries.

The Consortium of Universities for the implementation of the program “Ambassadors of Russian Higher Education and Science” includes:

  • Lomonosov Moscow State University;
  • Moscow State Institute of International Relations;
  • St. Petersburg State University;
  • St. Petersburg Polytechnic University named after Peter the Great;
  • Tomsk State University;
  • “Kurchatov Institute” National Research Center;
  • Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University).

Viktor Sadovnichy, in turn, stressed that in modern conditions it is necessary to look for new forms of interaction with foreign countries, students and applicants.

"We understand how important it is to develop international cooperation in all areas and we will try to do it. I fully support the establishment of the Consortium. which should ba an actively working institution, "said Rector of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Members of the Interdepartmental Working Group signed the Agreement on the Consortium and unanimously approved the composition of its Council, which will be entrusted with the implementation of the project.

RUDN University President Vladimir Filippov was elected Chairman of the Consortium Council. He made proposals for further elaboration of the Regulations and attributes of the program.

The participants noted that the project is aimed at maintaining and giving the status of an ambassador to successful graduates of Russian universities, who will become a link in international educational and scientific cooperation.

The title of Ambassador of Russian Education and Science will be assigned by the Council of the Consortium in agreement with the Russian Ministry of Education and Science and the Russian Foreign Ministry.

It is planned that the appointed ambassadors will participate in large-scale events dedicated to Russian education and science, as well as assist in the formation of a positive attitude towards the Russian Federation among the target audience.

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