Achievements of RUDN University staff and alumni recognized with state and departmental awards

Achievements of RUDN University staff and alumni recognized with state and departmental awards

RUDN University staff and alumni received state and departmental awards at the State Kremlin Palace during a festive concert in honor of RUDN 65th anniversary.

State awards

The honorary title “Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation” for great contributions to science and many years of conscientious work was awarded to:

  • Aslan Abashidze, Head of the Department of International Law, RUDN Law Institute, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Laws;
  • Vitaly Eremyan, Head of the Department of Constitutional Law and Constitutional Legal Proceedings, RUDN University Law Institute, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Laws.

For merits in science and education, training of highly qualified specialists, and many years of diligent work, the Medal of the Order “For Merit to the Fatherland” II Class was awarded to:

  • Vladimir Vorobyov, Head of the Department of the Russian Language and linguoculturology, Institute of the Russian Language, Doctor of Pedagogical sciences.
  • Natalya Sokolova, Director of the Institute of Foreign Languages, Head of the Department of Theory and practice of foreign languages, PhD of Philological Sciences.

The honorary title “Honored Inventor of the Russian Federation” for many years of productive inventive activity was awarded to Alexander Stepanov, Head of the Department of Dentistry of the Institute of Medicine, Doctor of Medical Sciences.

Departmental awards

Andrey Kostin, First Vice-Rector — Vice-Rector for Research of RUDN University, Doctor of Medical Sciences, was awarded the Russian Federation Presidential Certificate of Honor for achievements in science and education, training of highly qualified specialists, and many years of conscientious work.

By the order of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, the honorary title “Honorary Worker of Education of the Russian Federation” for significant contributions to education and diligent work was conferred on:

  • Svetlana Balashova, Head of the Department of Economic and mathematical modeling, RUDN Faculty of Economics, PhD of Physical and Mathematical Sciences;
  • Elena Kryazheva-Kartseva, Head of the Department of Russian History, RUDN Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, PhD of Historical Sciences

State awards to foreign alumni

State awards were also presented to foreign alumni who made significant contributions to strengthening international ties and promoting Russian education and science abroad.

The Order of Friendship was awarded to :

  1. Hamed Muhieddin Abou Zahr (Lebanon), President of the Arab-Peruvian Chamber of Commerce;
  2. Mustafa Hammoud Al-Nawaise (Jordan), Lawyer;
  3. Najim Riad Yusef (Lebanon/Russia), General Director, RamTEK LLC;
  4. Navin Satyapal Saxena (India), Director, pharmaceutical company “Rusan Pharma”.

За достижения в области гуманитарных наук и литературы, вклад в изучение и сохранение культурного наследия России и сближений культур наций трое выпускников награждены Медалью Пушкина:

For achievements in the field of the humanities and literature, contributions to the study and preservation of Russia’s cultural heritage, and bringing national cultures closer together, the Pushkin Medal was awarded to:

  1. Galina Abbas (Russia/Lebanon), President of RUDN University Alumni Association in Lebanon;
  2. Liu Xin (China), Chairman of the Board of Directors of MBDK International Group;
  3. Tony François Simon-Pierre Ngan (Cameroon), Chairman of Alumni Association of Russian (Soviet) Universities in Cameroon “Soyuzniki”

RUDN University congratulates its staff and alumni on receiving these awards!

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