Results of 2024: departmental and state awards of RUDN University
Honorary Letter of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia
Entitled to the Honorary Letter of the RF Ministry of Science and Higher Education are people with at least three years of work experience in RUDN University with merits in the field of education, research, scientific and technical, and innovative activities, nanotechnology and youth policy. People are also awarded for conscientious and effective work, assistance in solving the tasks assigned to the Ministry, as well as impeccable civil service.
In 2024, 12 RUDN University employees received Honorary Letters:
- Elena Kanovskaya, Head of the Campus services department;
- Irina Mitrofanova, Associate Professor of the Department of Russian Language and methods of teaching;
- Natalya Nikulischeva, Specialist in educational and methodological work;
- Nadezhda Savchenko, Head of the Department of information support for international projects and exhibitions;
- Natalya Tarankova, Vice-Rector for Continuing education;
- Natalya Chesnokova, Vice-Rector for Admissions;
- Nikolay Yagodka, Deputy Dean for International activities;
- Olga Rudnitskaya, Associate Professor of the Department of General and inorganic chemistry of the Faculty of Science;
- Tatyana Lebedeva, Director of RUDN Physical culture and sports center;
- Tatyana Saurenko, Director of the Institute of foreign economic security and customs affairs;
- Tatyana Shustikova, Professor of the Russian language department No. 2;
- Shakhnoza Sultanova, Director of the Digital preparatory faculty.
Honorary title “Honorary Worker of the Russian Federation Education”
The title “Honorary Worker of the Russian Federation Education” is awarded to those who have worked for more than 15 years in the field of education, of which 3 years in RUDN. Also, the departmental award can be received by employees who already have an Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.
According to the decision of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, in 2024, the Honorary title was awarded to 9 RUDN University employees:
- Anna Ostrovskaya, Director of the Higher School of Management;
- Andrey Protasov, Head of the I.D. Kirpatovsky Department of Operative surgery and clinical anatomy;
- Anna Agapeeva, Deputy Head of the Scientific department;
- Irina Eremina, Associate Professor of the Department of Histology, cytology and embryology;
- Nadezhda Savchenko, Head of the Department of Information support for international projects and exhibitions;
- Olga Kuznetsova, Head of the Department of Criminal law, criminal procedure and forensic science;
- Sergey Kupreev, First Deputy — Deputy Director for research;
- Yuri Razumny, Professor, Director of the Department of Mechanics and mechatronics, Director of RUDN Engineering Academy.
Letter of Gratitude from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia
Letter of Gratitude from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia is awarded for significant contribution to the development of higher education, continuing professional education, research, scientific-technical and innovative activities. The award can also be received for high achievements and in this area and for assistance in solving the tasks assigned to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
This year, 8 RUDN University employees received the Letter of Gratitude:
- Anastasia Repina, Head of the Department for Organizational and administrative support for student admissions;
- Vladimir Ozyumenko, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign languages;
- Darya Efimova, Head of the Vice-Rector’s Office;
- Ekaterina Zvereva, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign languages of the Law Institute;
- Maria Voichenkova, Leading Specialist of the Unicum Center for Pre-university education;
- Serafima Khavronina, Professor of the Department of Russian language and teaching methods;
- Tatyana Kuznetsova, Director of the Department for Student projects and initiatives;
- Filipp Novikov, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages.
Russian Federation Presidential Certificate of Honor
The Russian Federation Presidential Certificate of Honor is awarded for noteworthy service in defence of the Fatherland and ensuring the security of the state, for strengthening the rule of law, protecting health, life and the rights and freedoms of citizens, for contributions in public construction, economy, science, culture, arts, education, sports, charities and other services to the state
In 2024, the Russian Federation Presidential Certificate of Honor was awarded to 5 RUDN employees who made a significant contribution to the implementation of Russian state policy:
- Alla Avdonina, Nurse of the Clinical and diagnostic center;
- Anna Klimenko, Director of the Clinical and diagnostic center;
- Vera Tikhomirova, Associate Professor of the Department of International economic relations;
- Elena Popkova, Professor, Doctor of economic sciences;
- Maria Smetanina, General practitioner (family doctor) of the Clinical diagnostic center.
Medal “For Impeccable Work and Excellence”
Entitled to the medal “For Impeccable Work and Excellence” are employees who have worked for 7 years or more, and also held the same position for at least one year. The award for civil service, conscientious and effective work was received by:
- Avedik Tsaritov, Chief engineer;
- Bela Zanegina, Deputy chief accountant of the Finance department;
- Vladimir Vorobyov, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of the Department of Russian Language and Linguocultural Studies.
The K.D. Ushinsky Medal
The K.D. Ushinsky Medal is awarded for significant contribution to the development of issues of theory and history of pedagogical sciences, improvement of methods of training and education of youth, cultural and moral development of the individual, elaboration of textbooks and teaching aids, as well as improvement of the system of science and education in Russia,.
To receive the award, one must have at least 20 years of experience in the field of development of the higher education system and pedagogical sciences, including three years in RUDN University — and a previously awarded departmental award from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.
Over the past year, the K.D. Ushinsky medal was received by Nikolai Narbut, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Honorary title “Merited Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation”
The honorary title “Merited Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation” is awarded to highly professional teachers, employees of the higher education system and continuing professional education for personal merits:
- in highly qualified teaching and research activities using the latest educational standards and methods;
- in the development of the latest methods and methodologies for teaching academic subjects, courses and disciplines (modules);
- in attracting graduate and postgraduate students to active scientific and practical activities;
- in the education and training of scientific and teaching personnel.
There are also mandatory conditions to get the award: at least 20 years of professional teaching experience, a PhD or Doctoral degree, professional field awards from various government bodies.
In 2024, the state award “Merited Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation” was received by Elena Trikoz, Associate Professor of RUDN Institute of Law.
RUDN University is proud of its employees and wishes them to achieve all the goals in 2025!
On a Sunday winter day at the exhibition named “Russia” RUDN University gathered students, partners, colleagues, and organized lectures under the title “We are different! We are equal! We are together!” The event took place in Pavilion 57 on the platform of the Russian Society “Znanie”. And on this day the hall was jam-packed.
The event was attended by more than 350 students from Russia, Bahrain, Egypt, Yemen, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, and Tunisia. The students organized an exhibition of the fraternity, introducing the guests to national dances, treating them to Algerian coffee, Arabic sweets and talked about the culture and history of the people of the country. The week ended with a futsal tournament.
On the eve of the New Year, we are summing up the past 365 days and set new goals for the next year. Whatever we do — study, work or do research — we intend to conquer even higher peaks.