Conference "Modern challenges in treatment of infectious diseases"
Conference "Modern challenges in treatment of infectious diseases"
2019 The event passed
18 Apr
Assembly Hall of the department
About the event
The international scientific and practical conference included the English and Russian sections.
The event will be attended by: A delegation of the MARA University of Technology, from Malaysia: Dean of the School of Medicine Mohd Zamrin Bin Dimon, Professor of the Department of Medical Microbiology and Parasitology Ariza Vinti Adnan and Head of the Department of Pharmacology Associate Professor Anna Krasilnikova.
The purpose of the event is to increase awareness of the current features of the pharmacotherapy of infectious diseases, and to develop the academic reputation of RUDN University.
Topics (sections) of the conference:
- modern antibiotic therapy strategy
- problems of antibiotic resistance in Russia and in the world
- pharmacotherapy of HIV infection
- pharmacotherapy of tuberculosis
- pharmacotherapy of dengue fever and other fevers
- modern clinical picture of infectious diseases
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