IV International Congress of teachers and heads of preparatory faculties of Russian universities

IV International Congress of teachers and heads of preparatory faculties of Russian universities

2020 The event passed
14 - 16 Oct
Moscow, 6, Miklukho-Maklaya str, Conference hall of the Faculty of Economics
Contact person
Elena Lavrova
+7 (495) 787-38-03 ext.: 1509
About the event

About 500 representatives of the professional community will participate in the Congress: teachers and heads of preparatory faculties (departments) of universities, educational specialists from 60 cities of the Russian Federation - from Blagoveshchensk to Kaliningrad, guests from 20 countries (Italy, Spain, France, Hungary, Poland, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Iraq, Afghanistan, China, Turkey, Morocco, Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia, Georgia, etc.).

During the events, key issues of the activities of preparatory faculties / departments of Russian universities, theoretical and methodological foundations of modern linguodidactics and methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language, information and communication technologies in teaching Russian as a foreign language and general subjects in Russian, electronic, mixed and distance learning, as well as issues related to testing foreign students will be discussed.

Particular attention will be paid to modern models of teaching Russian as a foreign language in the absence of a language environment, issues of creating nationally oriented textbooks on Russian as a foreign language for various categories of students.

Congress participants: representatives of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, the leadership of MAPRYAL and ROPRYAL, managers, employees and teachers of departments implementing additional general education programs for preparing foreign citizens and stateless persons to master professional educational programs in Russian, heads and teachers of foreign and Russian educational organizations implementing various programs on Russian as a foreign language.

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