International scientific and practical conference «Technologies of Mechanical Engineering, Energy and Land Transport»

International scientific and practical conference «Technologies of Mechanical Engineering, Energy and Land Transport»

2020 The event passed
21 - 23 Oct
8/5, Podolskoe shosse
Contact person
Igor Danilov
About the event

October 21 – 23, from 9:30 am to 5:00 pm Moscow time

International scientific and practical conference with the participation of Russian and foreign scientists, bachelors and masters of the departments of the Academy of Engineering and the Institute of Space Technologies.

Aims and objectives of the conference: formation of new requests in the fields of science, education, R&D to ensure a breakthrough in the energy and machine-building spheres to create scientific and technological groundwork that ensures an increase in environmental safety and economic efficiency of the transport infrastructure of the Russian Federation.

Relevance: scientific and practical conference reflects the priority state program of the National Technology Initiative (NTI) in the field of system engineering solutions for the global technological leadership of Russia.

Uniqueness: formation of prerequisites for the creation of teams of specialists in innovative and technological development in the field of research and development (R&D).


  • Technological support of production, development of new technologies in mechanical engineering;
  • Technological support of production, development of new technologies for instrument making;
  • Improvement of existing and development of new technologies in the energy sector;
  • Improvement of existing and development of new technologies for land transport;
  • Problems of personnel training for the industries and transport of the Russian Federation;
  • Concept and problems of the development of the engineering student movement in the field of creating sports cars.

Organizing committee:

  1. Yu.Razumny, Professor, Director of the Engineering Academy of RUDN (Russia) - Chairman of the Organizing Committee;
  2. I.Danilov, Professor, Director of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Instrumentation of the Engineering Academy of RUDN University (Russia) - Co-chairman of the Organizing Committee;
  3. V.Konoplev, Associate Professor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Instrumentation, Engineering Academy of the RUDN University (Russia) - Co-chairman of the organizing committee;
  4. A.Sladkovsky, professor, Head of Department of Logistics and Aviation Technologies, Faculty of Transport, Silesian University of Technology (Poland) - member of the organizing committee;
  5. R.Ivanov, professor of the Technical University n.a. Angel Kynchev, Ruse (Bulgaria) - member of the organizing committee;
  6. A.Bakhanovich, professor, Vice-Rector of the Belarusian National Technical University (Belarus) - member of the organizing committee;
  7. G.Tokhtar, associate professor, Vice-Rector of the Kharkiv National Highway University (Ukraine) - member of the organizing committee;
  8. I.Uspensky, professor, Head of Department of Technical Operation and Service of Cars, Ryazan State Agrotechnological University n.a. Kostychev (Russia) - member of the committee;
  9. A.Asoyan, professor of the Department of Technical Service, MADI (Russia) - member of the organizing committee;
  10. P.Oschepkov, associate professor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Instrumentation of the Engineering Academy of RUDN University (Russia) - member of the organizing committee;
  11. D.Allenov, assistant of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Instrumentation, Engineering Academy of RUDN University (Russia) - member of the organizing committee;
  12. S.Khlopkov, assistant of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Instrumentation of the Engineering Academy of RUDN University (Russia) - Secretary of the organizing committee

Program committee

  1. Yu.Razumny, professor - Chairman of the Program Committee, Director of the Engineering Academy of RUDN University (Russia);
  2. I.Danilov, professor - Co-chairman of the Program Committee, Director of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Instrumentation of the Engineering Academy of RUDN University (Russia);
  3. V.Konoplev, associate professor - member of the Program Committee, Professor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Instrumentation of the Engineering Academy of RUDN University (Russia);
  4. D.Allenov, assistant - member of the Program Committee, assistant of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Instrumentation of the Engineering Academy of RUDN University (Russia);
  5. P.Oschepkov, associate professor - member of the Program Committee, associate professor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Instrumentation of the Engineering Academy of RUDN University (Russia);
  6. S.Khlopkov, assistant - Secretary of the Program Committee, assistant of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Instrumentation of the Engineering Academy of RUDN University (Russia).
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