XXIII International Conference "Distributed Computer and Telecommunication Networks: Control, Computing, Communication" DCCN-2020

XXIII International Conference "Distributed Computer and Telecommunication Networks: Control, Computing, Communication" DCCN-2020

2020 The event passed
14 - 18 Sep
About the event

Conference topics:

  • Optimization of the architecture of computer and telecommunication networks;
  • Evaluation of performance and quality of service in wireless networks;
  • Analytical and simulation modeling of communication systems of subsequent generations;
  • Wireless networks 4G / 5G and technologies of centimeter and millimeter-wave radio waves;
  • RFID technologies and their application in intelligent transport networks;
  • Internet of Things, wearable devices, applications of distributed information systems;
  • Distributed systems and cloud computing systems, big data analysis;
  • Probabilistic and statistical models in information systems;
  • Queuing theory, reliability theory and their applications;
  • High-altitude unmanned telecommunication platforms.

Accepted papers will be published in a bilingual collection of works (indexed in the RSCI) before the conference. Selected papers in English, as recommended by the Program Committee, will be published as a separate volume of extended works in the Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) series (indexed in Scopus and Web of Science; final approval pending).


Russian Academy of Sciences, Trapeznikov Institute of Management Problems, RAS (Moscow, Russia), Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (Moscow, Russia), National Research Tomsk State University (Tomsk, Russia), Institute of Information and Communication Technologies of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Sofia, Bulgaria) .

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