XXIV International conference Akhanov's Readings “Sustainable development: Language, Intercultural Communication And Digital Technologies”
XXIV International conference Akhanov's Readings “Sustainable development: Language, Intercultural Communication And Digital Technologies”
2021 The event passed
28 May
About the event
May 28, 2021, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Almaty, Kazakhstan), Institute of Foreign Languages PFUR (Moscow, Russian Federation), Istanbul University: Farabi Eurasian Research Center (Turkey, Istanbul), Aitmatov Academy (London, Great Britain), Taraz Innovative-Humanitarian University (Taraz, Kazakhstan) will conduct an XXIV International conference Akhanov's Readings “Sustainable development: Language, Intercultural Communication And Digital Technologies”
The direction of the workshop:
- Linguistics and digital transformation of society in the context of sustainable development
- Digital pedagogy and teaching of foreign languages
- Intercultural communication in virtual reality
- Time: 13.00 – 18.00 (Nur-Sultan time)
- Registration: 12.00 – 12.50
Representatives of universities and research structures from the UK, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Russia, the USA, Turkey and other countries have already confirmed their participation in the event.
Responsible for organizing and conducting the International Workshop:
- Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Madieva Gulmira, Bektemirova Saule, Mambetova Manshuk, Kuzembekova Zhanna - Institute of Foreign Languages PFUR, Moscow, Russian Federation
Bezrukova Natalia Yakovlevna
e-mail: bezroukova-n@rudn.ru - Istanbul University Farabi Eurasia Research Center, Istanbul, Turkey
Abdullah Kizilcik, Sapashev Oraz
e-mail: sapashevo@gmail.com (Sapashev Oraz) - Aitmatov Academy, London, Great Britain
- Abduvalieva Rakhima
e-mail: aitmatov.academy4@gmail.com - Taraz Innovative Humanitarian University, Taraz, Kazakhstan
Saurykov Erbolat, Molgazhdarov Kasiet
e-mail: kasiet_k@list.ru (Molgazhdarov Kasiet)
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