8th International Scientific Interdisciplinary Conference on Research and Methodology “Functional Aspects of Intercultural Communication. Translation and Interpreting Issues”

8th International Scientific Interdisciplinary Conference on Research and Methodology “Functional Aspects of Intercultural Communication. Translation and Interpreting Issues”

2021 The event passed
19 Nov
Contact person
Natalia S. Erokhova
About the event

Goal of the Conference:

To reveal the diversity of functional aspects of intercultural communication within the process of world education integration, to focus on translation and interpreting issues in the conditions of the modern society.

List of Main Issues to Be Discussed:

  • interrelation between functional approaches of intercultural communication and interpretation issues
  • intercultural communication in educational activity
  • intercultural component of linguistic personality in understanding socio-cultural reality
  • hypertextuality and discursive approach in computational linguistics
  • formation of discursive socio-cultural competence of future translators and interpreters in language training process
  • digital technologies in teaching / learning foreign languages
  • computational linguistics and artificial intelligence

Keynote Speakers at the Plenary Session

(10:00am — 12.00pm):

  • Michał B. Paradowski, PhD, DLitt (Habil.), Professor, Institute of Applied Linguistics, University of Warsaw (Poland)
    Theme: English as a Lingua Franca — Implications for Pedagogy and Translation
  • Eloy Martoz Núñez, PhD, Professor of Didactics&Language and Literature, Universidad Extremadura (Spain)
  • Natalia F. Mikheeva, Professor, Dr. of Philology, RUDN University (Russia)
    Theme: On the issue of linguistic policy and linguistic planning in the modern world

 Special Panel “Translation and Migration: Cultural and Linguistic Transfers” (Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France, Valenciennes, France)

will be held within the conference (12:00pm  15:00pm)

  1. Stephanie Schwerter, Professor of Anglophone Literature, PhD
    Theme: Buttologists, Sappers and B-Sides: The Challenge of Translating the Language of Alain Mabanckou
  2. Brigitte Friant-Kessler, Senior Lecturer in English Studies and Visual Arts, PhD
    Theme: Media-driven Autobiography and Cultural Transfers in Nora Krug’s Translated Graphic Object Heimat
  3. Katrina Brannon, Associate Professor of English Linguistics, PhD
    Theme: Translating the Arab Spring in Literature
  4. Jean-Charles Meunier, English Teacher
    Theme: From Romantic Love to Political Involvement: The French Afterlife of a Bob Dylan Song
  5. Stephanie Baumann, Lecturer, PhD
    Theme: From Caligari “to” Hitler or the “defused” Kracauer/ Von Caligari “bis” Hitler oder der “entschärfte” Kracauer 

Conference language: English

Registration fee is 1500 rubles. For students — 750 rubles. Payment deadline is November 25, 2021

Registration, applications for participation and publication are submitted through the website.

Abstracts of individual papers (300-350 words not including bibliography) should be submitted by November 14, 2021.

Extended abstracts (2,000 words) are due by November 25, 2021.

Abstracts and Extended abstracts are accepted in English only.

Conference Proceedings are indexed in the RSCI database. The editorial board reserves the right to competitive selection of abstracts and extended abstracts for publication.

Conference website

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