World Soil Day

2021 The event passed
6 Dec
Contact person
Eleonora Konovalova
About the event

December 6, 9.00 - 10.20 MSK

World Soil Day is held annually on December 5, starting in 2013, on the recommendation of the International Soil Science Society. It is celebrated in 177 countries around the world. Soil is a living resource that accounts for over 25% of our planet's biodiversity. Up to 90% of living organisms live or spend part of their life cycle in soil. Soil microorganisms can fight some contaminants.

The purpose of this event is to inform students about the importance of preserving the health of ecosystems and to promote the idea of ​​sustainable use of soil resources.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set:

  • To consider what soil is;
  • To determine what is its importance for food security, ecosystem health and human prosperity;
  • To study the features of zonal soil types, as well as the harm caused by anthropogenic activity.


World Soil Day will be attended by 1-4 year students. The program includes presentations by students with reports on the topic of the event, watching educational videos, a discussion about what measures each citizen can take to preserve and protect the soil.

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