XXIII international conference «Actual Problems of Ecology and Environmental Management» (APEEM-2022)

XXIII international conference «Actual Problems of Ecology and Environmental Management» (APEEM-2022)

2022 The event passed
21 - 23 Apr
About the event

We are pleased to invite you to participate in annual scientific and practical conference held since 1999 at the Institute of Environmental Engineering of the RUDN University.

The event gathers scientists, specialists in the area of ecology, environmental management, safety and emerging situations, students, Ph.D. students and PostDoc researchers, as well as school teachers and their pupils. 

Format: Oral sessions - in person and remotely, poster session - remotely on the conference website.

Conference languages: English and Russian.

Organizing Committee Chairs

  • Elena Savenkova  - Doctor of Economics, Director of the Institute of Environmental Engineering of the RUDN University
  • Roman Yashchenko - Doctor of Biological Sciences, General Director  Institute of Zoology, KN MES RK, Chairman of the Kazakhstan National Committee of the UNESCO Program "Man and the Biosphere" (MAB),  Advisor to the Director General of UNESCO for Biosphere Reserves, President of the Scientific Society "Tethys".
  • Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committee:
  • Tatyana Ledashcheva - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Environmental Safety and Product Quality Management, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

Program Committee Chair:

  • Igor Savin - Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Deputy Director for esearch at the Dokuchaeva Soil Institute RAAS

Deputy Chairman of the Program Committee:

  • Elena Stanis - Candidate of Technical Sciences,  Professor of the Department of Environmental Management

Members of the organizing committee :

  • Olga Plyamina - General Director of the V.I. Vernadsky.
  • Natalya Ryazanova - Candidate of Geological Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of the Department of International Complex Problems of Environmental Management and Ecology, MGIMO
  • Zhanna Toregozhina - Candidate of Chemical Sciences , Professor of the Department of Unesco for Sustainable Development, Faculty of Geography and Environmental Management, Al-Farabi KazNU
  • Khusniddin Boimurodov  - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Ecology and Life Safety, Samarkand State University.
  • Vladislav Zhuravkov - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Head of the Department of Ecological Information Systems of the International State Ecological Institute named after A.D. Sakharov, BSU.
  • Saulius Mickevičius  - Ph.D., Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Vytautas the Great University (Lithuania)
  • Shukhrat Muradov - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,  Head of the Research Center "Ecology and Water Problems" at the Karshi Engineering and Economic Institute, representative of the International Fund "ENERGY GLOBE" in Uzbekistan  

Program committee experts: 

  • Alexander Khaustov - Doctor of Geology and Mathematics, Leading Researcher, Department of Environmental Safety and Product Quality Management, RUDN University.
  • Margarita Redina - Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Environmental Safety and Product Quality Management, RUDN University.
  • Vladimir Torshin - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Normal Physiology, RUDN University
  • Marina Vakula - PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Head. Department of Land and Environmental Law, RUDN University
  • Saulius Mickevičius  - Ph.D., Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the University of Vitovt the Great (Lithuania)
  • Roman Yashchenko - Doctor of Biological Sciences, General Director of the Institute of Zoology of the KN MES of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Ioan Bica - Ph.D., Professor at the Technical University of Civil Engineering, Bucharest
  • Susanna  Cherchesova - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Zoology and Bioecology, North Ossetian State University named after K.L. Khetagurova
  • Alexander Myaskov  - Doctor of Economics, Director of the MISIS Mining Institute
  • Devard  Stom  - Doctor of Biological Sciences,  head laboratory of aquatic toxicology, Institute of Biology, Irkutsk State. university
  • Konstantin Lebedev - Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Professor of the Institute of Tourism and Hospitality (Moscow) (branch) of the Russian State University of Tourism and Service
  • Sofia Lamarton - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Anatomy and Physiology, North Ossetian State University named after Kost Levanovich Khetagurov
  • Vladimir Sturman  - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications named after V.I. prof. M.A. Bonch-Bruevich
  • Hanieh Ghaffari -  Ph.D, Associate Professor at the University of Kurdistan; Member of the IUCN / SSC Turtle and Freshwater Turtle Specialist Team; Member of the Board of the Section of the Society for Conservation Biology - Asia; Director of the Parsa Herpetology Institute.
  • Nadezhda Poddubnaya  -  Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Leading Researcher of the Cherepovets State University .

Conference topics

  • Bioecology (population structure and dynamics; succession process in ecosystems; key factors of ecological niche of plant and animal species; behavioral ecology and biological communication; influence of the anthropogenic factors on condition of ecosystems; bioindication).
  • Ecology of soils (factors of soil formation, dynamics and evolution of soils; ecological functions of soils; productivity of soils; soil ecosystems; impact of anthropogenic factors on soil conditions; successional processes in soil ecosystems).
  • Environmental Geosciences (geo-environmental aspects of environmental management; environmental geochemistry; environmental monitoring; information technologies in ecology and environmental management).
  • Environmental Management (rational use of natural resources; economic and legal framework of environmental management; environmental quality management; environmental protection technologies; implementation problems of HSE-management; socio-environmental-ecological systems management).
  • Sustainable Architecture. Green construction and housing and communal services. (Current problems of ecological construction; green standards in construction and housing and communal services; energy-efficient materials and saving technologies; renewable carbon-free energy; realities and prospects of green economy)
  • Human ecology (aspects of human adaptation to changed environmental conditions, management of adaptive abilities of the organism, environmentally caused pathologies).
  • Environmental safety and product quality (technical regulation and environmental safety of products; compliance with environmental safety requirements of products, its production processes, storage, transportation, disposal, as a component for decision making on the release into the market; environmental labeling; products with improved environmental performance; products of organic production).
  • Environmental education for sustainable development (environmental management and priorities of state development; modern educational technologies in the area of environmental education; cooperation of secondary schools and higher educational institutions for development of continuous environmental education development).
  • The Round table " Environmental education at the museum" will be held on the basis of the museum-reserve "Kolomenskoye”
  • Competition of students research works (oral reports only)

Conference proceedings

  • Collection of proceedings of the conference - after the conference collection is placed on the conference website in electronic form.
  • Special issue of «RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety».
  • Specialized journals in the areas of the conference, indexed in Scopus – articles based on papers presented at the conference are recommended for publication only after receiving positive reviews.

It was decided to make agreements with a number of journals indexed in Scopus to publish selected articles on conference proceedings: "Geography, Environment, Sustainability", "Nature Conservation Research", "Foods and Raw Materials", "Russian Journal of Forest Science", "Vysshee Obrazovanie v Rossii".

Registration fee

Is to paid 1 time for 1 report, regardless of the number of co-authors. It includes: expenses for the organization of participation in the conference, coffee breaks, publication of the report in the proceedings of the conference, "participant's folder"; does not include a printed copy of the proceedings of the conference.

  • Participation with 1 report and publication in the Conference Proceedings or special issue of the RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety -1,500 rubles (about 20$)
  • For co-organizers' students and employees a 20% discount
  • Participation in the conference of schoolchildren is free of charge
  • The amount of the organizational fee for publication in a specialized journal depends on the specific journal (up to 25 000 p), payment upon acceptance of the article in the journal

The deadline for papers is March 20, 2022. Templates of all necessary materials can be downloaded from the conference website.

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