Scientific seminar “Radioecological protection of the population in a potentially radon-hazardous territory”

Scientific seminar “Radioecological protection of the population in a potentially radon-hazardous territory”

2022 The event passed
21 May
Contact person
Tatiana Lashchenova
About the event

21 May at 11:00 MSK

More than half of the dose from natural sources of radiation is created by radon and its daughter decay products. The radon entering the buildings is released mainly from the soils lying at the base of the foundation. The British Radiation Protection Bureau estimates that 2,500 people die every year in the UK from lung cancer caused by the radioactive gas radon. According to the Environmental Agency, about 20,000 cancers in the United States each year are initiated by radon and its decay products.


Also acute is the problem of the radiological effects of radon on the population in Switzerland, Sweden, Finland and Austria. According to the International Committee on Radiation Protection, the average volumetric activity (VA) of radon in a dwelling in various countries of the world is not high and varies from 3 to 160 Bq/m³. Therefore, before starting construction, the radon hazard of the territory is determined.

The purpose of the scientific seminar is to acquaint listeners with approaches to assessing radon hazard and with a set of measures aimed at reducing or eliminating the impact of ionizing radiation on the population.

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