Workshop “Nachhaltige Entwicklung”

Workshop “Nachhaltige Entwicklung”

2022 The event passed
29 Nov
Contact person
Kaderova Rumiia
About the event

29 November at 9.00 MSK

The long-term global development of the economy, aimed only at maximizing profits and minimizing costs and having no other fundamental foundations, has led to serious degradation of the natural, social and even spiritual environment. Environmental problems, global climate change, social and gender inequality are only part of the systemic crises and global challenges that modern humanity has faced with the aggravation.

Thoughts about the limitations of natural resources and the need to contain the uncontrolled growth of consumption have become an integral part of everyday life. Overcoming some stereotypes, realizing one’s own responsibility to the planet and future generations — this is what will be discussed at this meeting.

The lecture is given by prof. Willi Linder (Vienna Institute for Pedagogy, Agriculture and Ecology), German

The participants of the scientific seminar will be 4th year undergraduate students. The program includes watching informative videos in German.

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