VII International Scientific and Practical Conference “Language and speech in the Internet: personality, society, communication, culture”

VII International Scientific and Practical Conference “Language and speech in the Internet: personality, society, communication, culture”

2023 The event passed
20 Apr
Moscow, Miklukho-Maklaya Street, 10/2, conference hall of YSF building, as well as classrooms 535, 631, 727, 527, 629, 748 / Online
Contact person
Zorina Violetta Aleksandrovna
About the event

On April 20, 2023 the RUDN will host the VII International Research and Practice Conference “Language and Speech on the Internet: Person, Society, Communication, Culture” with the support of N.I. Lobachevsky Nizhny Novgorod State University, Zhengzhou University Institute of Journalism and Communication (PRC).

The conference program includes advanced training courses " Modern Media Text in a Digital Environment: a New Ethics in Science and Education “, as well as master classes, round tables, seminars and webinars on scientific and methodological issues of language and artificial intelligence interaction, and a cultural program — Music and Literature Salon ” Music Planet № 45 “Rachmaninov: Russia, World, Space”".

The conference program assumes the following scientific directions:


  1. Language and Speech in the Digital Media Environment through the prism of Media Linguistics
  2. Mass Communication and Journalism in the Digital Information Media Space
  3. Innovative Technologies and Specifics of Distance Education
  4. Problems of Linguistic Support for Information Law in the Digital Environment
  5. Interdisciplinary Problems of Media Culture, Literature and Psychology of Digital Information Society
  6. Intercultural Media Communication, Migration and Integration of Languages and Cultures


  • Russian and English


  • The text of the article (up to 8 pages) — in doc. (not docx!) (MSWord), Times New Roman, 12 font, single spacing; red line — 1.25 cm; alignment by width;
    Margins: top — 6.1 cm, bottom — 6.1 cm, right — 4.9 cm, left — 4.9 cm; distance from the footer — 6.0 cm, from the top — 5.7 cm;
  • Author’s name — 12 font, bold, alignment on the right edge;
  • Name of the university (full) — 12 font, italics, indicated in brackets (for example: Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia); alignment on the right side;
  • Title of the work — 12 font, bold, all capital letters (“big” letters) (for example: PSYCHOLOGICAL PROBLEMS IN THE ADAPTATION OF INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS IN RUSSIA); center alignment;
  • A short abstract of the content of the article (3-4 lines) and keywords.
  • References (the word itself) — bold font (References); 12 font, center alignment;
  • References — 11 font, single spacing; author’s surname with initials in italics, on the same line indicates the title of the work; necessarily indicate the place of publication, year of publication of the work.
  • Sample:
    • For books: Lebedeva N.M. Psychological aspects of ethnic ecology. Ethnic Ecology. Theory and practice. — М, 1991.
    • For articles: Galkina-Fedoruk E.M. Impersonal sentences in the modern Russian language // Problems of syntax of the modern Russian language. Ed. by V.V. Vinogradov. — М., 1950.
  • References to literature in the text — in square brackets indicate the author’s name (without initials), separated by a space the year of publication of the work, separated by a semicolon the pages of the text, which is referred to: [Vinogradov 1947; 125-126];
  • The author is fully responsible for the accuracy of the information and quotations given in the article.
  • Articles drawn up with violation of the rules will not be accepted for printing.




To participate in the conference it is necessary to register by March 20, 2023 through the registration button on this page.

To publish an article in the Proceedings it is necessary to send to the Conference Organization Committee by March 20, 2023 to with the subject line “Internet” articles up to 8 pages long.

The works of students are accepted for publication upon the recommendation of the supervisor or in co-authorship with the supervisor.

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