II International Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists “For the Sustainable Development of Civilization: Cooperation, Science, Education, Technology (Africa's path to the 17 SDGs: an integrated approach)”

II International Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists “For the Sustainable Development of Civilization: Cooperation, Science, Education, Technology (Africa's path to the 17 SDGs: an integrated approach)”

2023 The event passed
21 - 24 Nov
Online / st. Miklukho-Maklaya, 6
Format: Сonference
Contact person
Ekaterina Buzykina
About the event

Africa’s pathway to the 17 SDGs: an integrated approach

We are pleased to invite you to participate in the II International Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists “For the Sustainable Development of Civilization: Cooperation, Science, Education, Technology”. The regional focus of the conference in 2023 will be African countries.

The conference is scheduled to be held from 21-24 November at the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University, Moscow).

RUDN University is hosting the conference serving as a platform for experts, practitioners, young scientists, and students to exchange their experiences and knowledge in the field of sustainable development, environmental, social, and corporate governance.

Specialists will share their knowledge and experience for the implementation of scientific, academic and socially significant projects to achieve the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

The conference aims to discuss the most pressing contemporary issues, problems, and challenges, as well as possible trends and prospects for Africa’s development, and to raise awareness of the global Sustainable Development Goals for humanity.

Conference objectives include the following:

  1. To create a platform for experts, practitioners, young scientists, and students to discuss and exchange their experience.
  2. To organize interaction among educational and research organizations, as well as public authorities within the framework of youth scientific and technical events at regional and global levels.
  3. To outline a framework of SDGs implementation that allows young researchers and students to contribute to sustainable development based on the principles of cooperation and partnership.

Format of participation is onsite and virtually via video conferencing technology. We expect 1500+ partakers, and we welcome your participation.

Core of the target audience is science student council members of universities in Russia and Africa.

Participants: Russian, African and international leading scholars, young scientists, government representatives, business partners, experts in the field of sustainable development, environmental, social and corporate governance.

The program encompasses:


Registration for the conference

Registration deadline: November 10, 2023.

The deadline for submission of materials for the collection: November 1, 2023.


Conference web-site

Would you like to learn more about the 2022 conference and the sustainable development goals of civilization until 2030? Read here: sdg.rudn.ru

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