Seminar “Mathematical modeling of nonequilibrium phase transformations in metastable media”

Seminar “Mathematical modeling of nonequilibrium phase transformations in metastable media”

2023 The event passed
3 Oct
Online / Moscow, st. Ordzhonikidze 3, room. 458
Contact person
Karamyan Ruben
About the event

On 3 October at 12:00 p.m. (Moscow time)

The talk will consider issues related to modeling of nonequilibrium phase transformations in various physical systems rapidly reduced to a deep metastable state. Superheated liquid, supercooled melt, supersaturated solution will be considered as such systems.

Speaker: Andrei Chernov Andrei, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Chief Researcher of the S.S. Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk.

Approaches to modeling the growth of new phase nuclei formed in the volume of the metastable parent phase will be discussed. Special attention will be paid to non-equilibrium mechanisms of their growth. The theory of total transformation (fluctuation formation and growth of an ensemble of nuclei) will be outlined, which correctly takes into account the change in the degree of metastability of the parent phase during the nucleation and growth of new phase centers both at instantaneous and gradual creation of a metastable state. A distinctive feature of this theory is the allocation of “forbidden” zones in the volume of the parent phase, in which the nucleation of new nuclei is suppressed.


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