International Scientific and Practical Conference in Memory of Doctor of Law Prof. V.K. Puchinsky "Comparative and legal aspects of legal relations of civil circulation in the modern world"

International Scientific and Practical Conference in Memory of Doctor of Law Prof. V.K. Puchinsky "Comparative and legal aspects of legal relations of civil circulation in the modern world"

2017 The event passed
13 Oct
About the event

The event is dedicated to the problems of Russian and foreign civil and civil procedural law, international commercial arbitration and alternative methods of dispute resolution. The key objective is to study the experience of foreign countries in the field of civil law and judicial proceedings reforming, the experience in using new alternative methods of dispute resolution - arbitration, mediation, intermediary, in particular. Some experience has been accumulated in the field that should become subject of detailed research.


Geography of participants:


Topics of the event:

  • foreign civil law and process;
  • civil law and civil procedural law abroad.

Terms of participation in the event:

presentation / attendance.

Outcomes of the event:

a collection of scientific publications.

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