The XI All-Russian Scientific-Practical Seminar "Reproductive Potential of Russia: Versions and Controversies"

The XI All-Russian Scientific-Practical Seminar "Reproductive Potential of Russia: Versions and Controversies"

2018 The event passed
27 Feb
Direction: Medicine
Format: Seminar
Organizer: Medical Institute
Type: Seminar
About the event

In 2018 the Seminar will be traditionally held under the auspices of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation and with the support of the RUDN Innovative Educational Program of the Priority National Project "Education".

The scientific agenda of the event includes the most relevant information worrying both the medical community and society as a whole. More than 640 reports by authoritative experts and practitioners from Russia and abroad on the most pressing issues of modern medicine are on the agenda. In addition, schools, round tables, master classes, trainings will be organized for specialists.

The seminar "Reproductive potential of Russia" is characterized by lively and effective debates resulting in the formation of important clinical recommendations, initiatives and practical skills that change professional standards and traditions.

Traditionally, within the framework of the project, the results of the competition for the National Prize "Reproductive Tomorrow of Russia" will be announced. The solemn awarding ceremony by nominations "Best Perinatal Center", "Kind Hands", "Saving Lives", "First Doctor", "Guarding Women's Health", "Mastery", "Doctor as a Vocation", "Dynasty", "Light Carriers" and “Self-sacrifice” will be held on the first day of "Sochi Controversies".

Simultaneously with the Seminar the following events will be held:

  • The V All-Russian Conference "Controversies of Neonatal Medicine and Pediatrics of Early Age".
  • The IX All-Russian Scientific-Practical Conference "Chief Physician of the XXI Century".
  • The VI Scientific-Practical Seminar "Infertile Marriage and ART: from Women’s Consultation Clinic to Fertility Specialist".

Geography of participants: Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Belarus, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Abkhazia, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, Mongolia, Belgium, Great Britain, Israel, Italy, Canada, Armenia, Dagestan, Moldova

Theme (agenda) of the event:

  • maternal mortality in the Russian Federation: prevention of "dizziness from success";
  • "roll call" of perinatal centers for 2017;
  • periconceptional multivitamin supplementation – investment in health;
  • controversies of legal responsibility and legal protection of a physician;
  • extragenital diseases: obstetrician-gynecologist’s area of responsibility;
  • ambulatory surgery of gynecological diseases;
  • the main medical components of anti-aging strategies;
  • endocrine gynecology;
  • vaginal infections: analysis of errors and common misconceptions;
  • cervical diseases;
  • regenerative potential of injection methods in the treatment of dystrophic changes in the perineum;
  • mythology of thread perineolifting;
  • technologies in aesthetic gynecology: new opportunities;
  • secrets of the security of long-term menopausal hormonotherapy;
  • genitourineral syndrome.

Conditions for participation in the event: information letter

Results of the event: a collection of scientific articles

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