International conference of young researchers “Languages and Cultures of the World”, dedicated to the day of Slavic Writing

International conference of young researchers “Languages and Cultures of the World”, dedicated to the day of Slavic Writing

2018 The event passed
24 May
About the event

The main goal is to present the works of young researchers devoted to the understanding and description of the features of languages, traditions and customs, various arts, literature and, in general, cultures of peoples, their interrelations, mutual influence and intercultural communication. The priority task is an interdisciplinary approach to the issues of ethnic groups, interlinguistic and intercultural interactions.

Geography of participants: Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Syria, Tajikistan, China.

Theme of the event:

  • languages and cultures, problems of intercultural communication in modern conditions;
  • traditions of hospitality of the peoples of the world;
  • Russian as the language of international and business cooperation;
  • Russian-foreign bilingualism;
  • language processes and language policy in post-Soviet countries and in the world;
  • problems and prospects of international and business cooperation.


Results of the event: Collection of scientific articles.

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