Seminar on mathematical modeling in biology and medicine under the guidance of prof. V. Volpert

Seminar on mathematical modeling in biology and medicine under the guidance of prof. V. Volpert

2019 The event passed
14 Mar
Moscow, Ordzhonikidze St., 3, lecture hall No.398
Contact person
Kuznetsov Maxim
About the event

Speaker: Rostislav Savinkov, Postgraduate Student, Department of Computational Technologies and Modeling, Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, Lomonosov Moscow State University; Junior Researcher of the Interdisciplinary Scientific Center "Mathematical Modeling in Biomedicine"

Topic: Software development for modeling of individual cell dynamics

Immune processes in the human body continue to remain not fully studied field of science. Some of them, for example, the dynamics of populations of immune cells, the researchers successfully formulated as systems of differential equations (including those with lag), but such models reflected only a general tendency, omitting details related to the heterogeneity of organs in which immune processes occur, as well as ignoring the properties of individual cells.

For some tasks, researchers have developed narrowly directed models that made it possible to take into account the dynamics of cells in the global immune process, but a significant proportion of the problems of mathematical modeling in immunology still cannot be investigated with similar thoroughness. To partially solve this problem, software has been developed that allows covering a wide range of tasks related to modeling the spatial dynamics of processes occurring in areas with active cell – cell interactions in two-dimensional and three-dimensional cases.


The developed software can be flexibly configured to simulate an arbitrary number of cell types with different variants of interaction both between cells and the interaction of cells with substances in the environment. The solution is made in C ++ language taking into account the possibility of acceleration of the solution on graphics processors, which significantly speeds up any calculations related to reaction-diffusion processes within the computational domain and can be applied in Linux and Windows operating systems.

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