School "Ecology of the Future"

School "Ecology of the Future"

2019 The event passed
25 - 27 Apr
Moscow, Podolskoe shosse h.8/5
Contact person
Ledashcheva Tatyana
About the event

Aim of this event is unification of students interested in proceeding of their research activities and demonstration of their results for broadening knowledge in different areas of ecology, also drawing attention of bachelor students to future development at master program.

Main sections of the school for entering the master's courses «Ecology of the future» are:

  • System ecology;
  • Geoecology;
  • Applied ecology;
  • Environmental monitoring and prognosis;
  • Forensic ecology and human ecology.

Trainings will be held by leading teachers of RUDN University Ecological faculty - academics, professors and docents specialized in different areas of ecology. Everyone will participate in the discussions on actual topics of ecology.

Participants of the school will make themselves familiar with HSE-management and practice first aid skills at robot GOSHA. Participants may engage themselves in the round table «Planet without wastes».

Opening ceremony will take place on the 25th of April at 10:00 in room №415 located at Podolskoe shosse h.8/5, Ecological faculty, RUDN University.

Closing ceremony will take place on the 27th of April at 16:00.

Bachelor graduate students are invited to participate.

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