Seminar on mathematical modeling in biology and medicine on topic “Modeling the features of blood flow in portal hypertension”

Seminar on mathematical modeling in biology and medicine on topic “Modeling the features of blood flow in portal hypertension”

2020 The event passed
21 May
Contact person
Mozokhina Anastasiia
About the event

Speaker: Mukhin Sergey, Professor of Lomonosov Moscow State University 

Topic: Modeling the features of blood flow in portal hypertension 

Many liver diseases are accompanied by venous flow obstruction and an increase of pressure in the portal vein. It leads to the development of dangerous complications. We investigate principal features of redistribution of blood flow in such disease with methods of mathematical modeling. The quasi-one-dimensional model of blood flow in the enclosed blood 

circulations system with a detailed network of liver blood vessels is considered. The results of numerical experiments of investigation of blood flow in the normal case and under different degrees of loss of functional volume of liver parenchyma with consideration of mutual influence on flow from other organs and in typical surgical interventions are shown.


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