The Youth Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation “ESPI-2024 – Environmental Studies and Protection Issues 2024” (in foreign languages)

The Youth Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation “ESPI-2024 – Environmental Studies and Protection Issues 2024” (in foreign languages)

2024 The event passed
19 Apr
Contact person
Nailya Valeeva
+7 (495) 787-38-03 ext.: 3432
About the event

Organizer – Department of Foreign Languages, Institute of Environmental Engineering, RUDN University (Department Head Nailya Valeeva).

Conference Co-organizers: Agricultural University of Havana (UNAH) (Cuba), Harare Institute of Technology (HIT) (Zimbabwe), Bogor Agricultural University (Indonesia), Kyrgyz National Agrarian University named after K.I.Skriabin (Kyrgyzstan), Minsk State Linguistic University (Belarus), Moscow State Pedagogical University, South Ural State Humanitarian and Pedagogical University, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), Russian State University of Social Technologies.

Date and time: 04.19.2024 at 10:30 am.

Venue: Moscow, 8/5 Podol’skoye highway, Institute of Environmental Engineering, room 3098.

Contact person – Organizing Committee; Nailya Valeeva, Chair of the Organizing Committee,, +7 (495) 787-38-03 * 3432.

Background: On 19th April 2024, the RUDN Institute of Environmental Engineering will host a conference for students, young scientists, and postgraduates to discuss significant environmental issues that are relevant to both Russia and other countries.

The main purpose of The Youth Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation "ESPI-2024 – Environmental Studies and Protection Issues 2024" (in foreign languages) is to engage students, postgraduates, and young scientists in addressing theoretical and practical challenges in modern ecology and related fields.

The conference aims to:

  • provide a platform for discussing important ecological issues and exchanging scientific research experiences;
  • involve student youth in science and promote the creativity of postgraduate students and young scientists.

Working languages of the conference: English, Spanish, Chinese, German, French, Russian (as a foreign language).

Participants of the conference: students and young scientists from Russian and foreign universities.

Conference workshops:

  • Population ecology and ecology of communities
  • Soil aspects of sustainable land use
  • Geoecology and sustainability of geoecosystems
  • Technologies for environmental and resource safety
  • Engineering ecology of cities and towns
  • Food security
  • Human ecology
  • Ecology, economics, law
  • Ecology, philosophy, education

The Collection of conference scientific papers will be deposited in «RINC» (Russian index of scientific citation).

Please visit the conference website for more information.

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