XXI International Scientific and Practical Conference “Current problems of environmental management: partnership for sustainable development and environmental safety”

XXI International Scientific and Practical Conference “Current problems of environmental management: partnership for sustainable development and environmental safety”

2020 The event passed
23 - 25 Apr
Moscow, 8 bld.5, Podolskoye shosse, Rooms 415, 416, 303, 310
Contact person
Tatyana Ledascheva
About the event

Dear colleagues,

We invite you to participate in the annual scientific and practical conference, in April 2020, at the Faculty of Ecology of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN).

Scientists and experts in the field of ecology, nature management, life safety and emergency situations, graduate and postgraduate students, as well as school teachers and schoolchildren are invited to participate in the conference.

Conference working languages: Russian, English.

Conference agenda

  • Population ecology and community ecology (structure and dynamics of the population size; succession processes in ecosystems; key factors in the ecological niche of plant and animal species; behavioral ecology and bio-communication; influence of anthropogenic factors on the state of ecosystems);
  • Nature management and sustainable development (geoecological aspects of nature management; environmental geochemistry; rational use of natural resources; modeling and information technologies in nature management);
  • Applied ecology (economic and legal foundations of rational nature management; problems of introducing HSE management; management of socio-ecological and economic systems);
  • Human ecology (problems of human adaptation to altered environmental conditions, management of the body adaptive abilities, environmentally caused pathologies);
  • Environmental education and education and public policy for sustainable development (environmental education and state development priorities; modern educational technologies in the field of environmental education; environmental education in the context of the implementation of the Federal state education standard; development of continuing environmental education system; internal and external state environmental policy) ;
  • Round table "Specially protected natural territories" (history, development directions, biodiversity conservation, organization of conservation and scientific research, environmental education, ecological tourism and volunteering in protected areas);
  • Round table "Planet without waste" (technologies and features of the organization of non-waste and low-waste production; management of production and consumption waste; biotechnology of waste processing; resource-saving power engineering);
  • Round table “Paris Agreement and anthropogenic climate warming: arguments for and against”;
  • Youth Forum on the study and protection of the environment;
    Student research competition (for oral presentations only);
  • Ecological conference of schoolchildren.
    Schoolchildren's projects competition.

Deadline for receiving reports - February 28, 2020

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