Harbin, China


Joint research work with A. Bouchnita. Mathematical models and computer programs for describing the coagulation of blood in the stream considering biochemical reactions in the plasma and aggregation of platelets were developed. The terms of normal clot growth and thrombosis were obtained. Two articles are in print this year.

Heidelberg, Germany
The components of the system model describing the regulation of energy metabolism of cells in normoxia and hypoxia were developed.

St. Gallen, Switzerland
Parametric models of the geometry of the lymph node were developed. Models were developed and topological properties of a network of fibroblastic reticular cells were analyzed. The features of lymph flow in the network of lymph node conduits were studied.

Lyon, France
Joint research work with C. Dumontet, P. Nony. Mathematical modeling of variousdiseases: leukaemia, lymphoma, lymphodema, mucoviscidosis, thrombosis. Simulation of clinical trials.

Barcelona, Spain
Joint research work with A. Meyerhans. The study of the spread of viral infection in body tissues on the basis of reaction-diffusion and hybrid discrete-continuous models of immune response.

Nashville, USA
Joint research work with M. Koury. The mathematical model was developed, computer calculations and comparisons with experimental data of erythropoiesis functioning on the basis of erythroblastic islands were carried out. The development of multiple myeloma and its effect on erythropoiesis were investigated. Various treatment protocols of patients were modeled and compared with clinical data.