The Fourth International Scientific Conference “Advances in Synthesis and Complexing”

The Fourth International Scientific Conference “Advances in Synthesis and Complexing”

24-28.04.2017 in RUDN University took place The Fourth International Scientific Conference “Advances in Synthesis and Complexing”. The organizer of this event is The Faculty of Sciences and its co-organizer Free University Berlin 123 QS World university Rankings. Total number of participants is more than 300 persons.

24-28.04.2017 in RUDN University took place The Fourth International Scientific Conference “Advances in Synthesis and Complexing”. The organizer of this event is The Faculty of Sciences and its co-organizer Free University Berlin 123 QS World university Rankings. Total number of participants is more than 300 persons.

Among participants are famous professors from the leading universities all over the world, such as:

Prof. Dr. Cosimo Altomare

University of Bari Aldo Moro

700+ QS World university Rankings

Prof. Dr. Valentin P. Ananikov

N.D. Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry


Dr. Andrei Antonchick

Technical University of Dortmund

551-600 QS World university Rankings

Prof. Dr. Jef De Brabander

University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center


Prof. Dr. Vladimir Gevorgyan

University of Illinois at Chicago

187 QS World university Rankings

Prof. Dr. Frédéric Lamaty

Institut des Biomolécules Max Mousseron


Prof. Dr. Andrei V. Malkov

Loughborough University

237 QS World university Rankings

Prof. Dr. Thomas J.J. Mueller

Dusseldorf University


Prof. Dr. Hiroyuki Nakamura

Tokyo Institute of Technology

56 QS World university Rankings

Prof. Dr. Ahmad Shaabani

Shahid Beheshti University

700+ QS World university Rankings

Prof. Dr. Lutz F. Tietze

Georg-August-University Göttingen


Prof. Dr. Tatiana V. Timofeeva

New Mexico Highlands University

461-470 QS World university Rankings

Prof. Dr. Jing Zhao

Peking University

39 QS World university Rankings

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Lademann

Charité Berlin


Prof. Dr. Jörg Rademann

Free University Berlin

123 QS World university Rankings

Prof. Dr. Oliver Reiser

Universität Regensburg


Prof. Dr. Frank Rößner

University of Oldenburg

500+ QS World university Rankings

Prof. Dr. Eckart Rühl

Free University Berlin

123 QS World university Rankings

Dr. Juan Rodriguez Vita

German Cancer Research Center


Prof. Dr. Ivan A. Vartaniants

German Electron Synchrotron (DESY)


Prof. Dr. Hermann A. Wegner

Justus Liebig Giessen University

651+ QS World university Rankings

Prof. Dr. Sergey Z. Vatsadze

M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University

108 QS World university Rankings

During the conference were organized the first German-Russian interdisciplinary Student Workshop: “Nanoscale interdisciplinary research: physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics” (25-26 April) and the Conference for Young Scientists

Program of the Conference/ Conference sections:

  • Organic Chemistry Section
  • Inorganic and Coordination Chemistry Section
  • Physical and Colloidal Chemistry Section

The program of the conference included reports of the invited lecturers — the leading Russian and foreign scientists and researchers. In plenary reports of the invited lecturers were considered achievements in synthesis of heterocycles, methods of the streamlined synthesis of new physiologically active substance, new drugs and the selective cancer therapy, drugs’ creation at the basis of nanoparticles.

The greatest number of participants was at the section “Organic chemistry”. The submitted reports were dedicated to a wide range of problems — synthesis and studying of properties of heterocyclic compounds, framework compounds and macrocyclic compounds, multicomponent reactions and “green chemistry”, metal complex catalysis, creating of the new physiologically active connections and etc.

Reports of the section “Inorganic and Coordination Chemistry” were devoted to synthesis, structure and biological activity of coordination compounds with heterocyclic polynitrogen ligands, nanocomposites, hybrid polymer — inorganic materials, solid solutions.

Within the section “Physical and Colloidal Chemistry” were discussed issues of hermochemical properties of biphenyls and biphenyl-oxides, energy characteristics of their radicals and bonds, the analysis of chemical bonding in benzene, cyclobutadiene and cyclopentadienyl ions and etc.

In the first German -Russian interdisciplinary Student Workshop: “Nanoscale interdisciplinary research: physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics” participated foreign professors, young German and Russian scientists, students, graduate students and researchers associates.

As a result, in The Fourth International Scientific Conference “Advances in Synthesis and Complexing” have participated representatives more than 60 educational and scientific organizations (the leading universities, the academic institutes, scientific centers) from more than 10 countries. Plenary talks of the conference were given by famous around the world scientists. The conference had a great importance for professional improvement and exchange of experience between professors, young scientists and students, dedicated their researchers to the different problems of Chemistry.

The Fourth International Scientific Conference “Advances in Synthesis and Complexing” gave the opportunity for students, graduate students and young scientists from Germany and various regions of Russia to visit RUDN University, scientific laboratories, centers of Faculty of Sciences and its innovative equipment. It can contribute to the creation of favorable conditions for involvement of talented youth for studying, training and development of their scientific careers in RUDN University.

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