RUDN University delegation visited the University of Bejaia (Algeria)

RUDN University delegation visited the University of Bejaia (Algeria)

November 28-30, the delegation of RUDN University headed by First Deputy Director of the Agrarian Technological Institute Petr Dokukin visited the University of Bejaia (Algeria) with a working visit.

November 28-30, the delegation of RUDN University headed by First Deputy Director of the Agrarian Technological Institute Petr Dokukin visited the University of Bejaia (Algeria) with a working visit.

The program included the presentation of the Agrarian Technological Institute research areas at the Faculty of Biosciences and Natural Resources of the University of Bejaia, as well as the discussion of the main provisions of the Memorandum of Inter-university Cooperation. During the negotiations, both universities expressed readiness for joint work in the following areas:

  • Development of joint educational master's program in agronomy with the study (in the future) in French;
  • The dual leadership of graduate students in the areas of «Agriculture», «Biological Sciences», «Veterinary Medicine» and «Zootechnics»;
  • Joint research in plant production and protection with fieldwork in Algeria;
  • Participation of scientists in the International Scientific Conference «Innovation in Agriculture» in April 2018 on the base RUDN University Agrarian Technological Institute;
  • Development of mobility programs through exchange of professors, PhD and masters for joint research in the field of tropical and subtropical agriculture.

The rector of the University of Bejaia, Professor Saidani Boualem approved the draft work program.

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15 Nov 2017
RUDN University scientists publish results of their scientific researches in highly-recognized in whole world and indexed in international databases journals (Web of Science, Scopus ect.). That, of course, corresponds to the high status of the University and its international recognition. Publications of June-September 2017 ( In Journals of categories Q1-Q3)
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