International scientific conference «Psychological and pedagogical research in education»

International scientific conference «Psychological and pedagogical research in education»

April 19 - 20, 2018 at the Department of Social and Differential Psychology held an international scientific and practical conference «Psychological and pedagogical research in education» 130 people took part in the international event, including representatives of the far and near abroad (Serbia, Israel, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Moldova, etc.).

On April 19 at the plenary session of the conference they made presentations:

Agapov Valeriy Sergeevich, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Professor of the Department of Legal Psychology of the educational and scientific complex of the psychology of the service activity of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - Strategies for researching professional subjects of law enforcement activity.

Gutvine Nicoletta, doctor of pedagogical sciences, director of the Institute of Pedagogical Studies of the Republic of Serbia (Belgrade, Serbia) - Constructivist approach to the problem of underachieving students.

Shabelnikov Vitaliy Konstantinovich, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Head of the Department of Pedagogical Psychology of the Institute of Psychology. L.S. Vygotsky (Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russia) - The need for the development of a pedagogical ethnopsychology system in Russia.

Maksich Slavica, Doctor of Psychology, Leading Officer of the Institute of Pedagogical Studies of the Republic of Serbia (Belgrade, Serbia) - Implicit beliefs of university teachers and students about the development of creativity.

The work of the conference sections was presented by such directions as:

1) Psychology and pedagogy of the educational process;

2) Psychological health of the participants in the educational process;

3) Intercultural adaptation and communication in the modern educational space;

4) Self-realization of the individual in the educational space

On April 20, 2018, professor Alfredo Ardila of Florida International University delivered lectures on «Cross-cultural neuropsychology» and «Neuropsychology of bilingualism» for teachers and students.

Participants and guests of the conference attended at a master class on «Inclusive Dance and Dance Rehabilitation». Moderators: Leonid Tarasov, director of the Center for Sociocultural Animation «Spiritualization», candidate of pedagogical sciences and Mikhailina Elena Vladimirovna, art therapist of the Center for Sociocultural Animation «Spiritualization», psychologist-consultant, candidate of pedagogical sciences.

 Guests and participants of the conference noted the high relevance of the reports and stressed the need for this international forum to discuss and find solutions to the current problems of modern education in Russia and abroad.

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