RUDN is developing partnerships with Medis pharmaceutical company (Tunisia)

RUDN is developing partnerships with Medis pharmaceutical company (Tunisia)

RUDN Center for Collective Use (CCU) begins joint development in the field of pharmacy and personnel training with Medis. The parties discussed issues of cooperation during the visit of Rimma Abramovich, director of the CCU, to the company's plant in Tunisia.

RUDN CCU strengthens international cooperation with foreign companies. The successful experience of the “full cycle” from pharmaceutical development to the commercialization of the finished medicinal product with Medis has become a platform for new ideas and plans of partner organizations.

The interest of the Tunisian company was evoked by the ongoing projects of RUDN in the field of personalized medicine and the possibility of conducting research on bioequivalence based on the CCU and clinical trials of oncological drugs based on the project partners’ sites (Moscow Herzen Research Oncological Institute).

The CCU can in the future serve as a platform for the implementation of the “industrial” PhD program, having a modern instrumentation park and a training and production site with a license to produce drugs: the company sends its employee to graduate school, after graduation the employee returns and implements the results of his or her research in production. At the moment, agreements have been reached on the exchange of scientific knowledge in the field of X-ray diffraction analysis, NMR spectroscopy, melt extrusion, and metabolomics in online consultation mode and in the framework of further education programs.

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15 Nov 2017
RUDN University scientists publish results of their scientific researches in highly-recognized in whole world and indexed in international databases journals (Web of Science, Scopus ect.). That, of course, corresponds to the high status of the University and its international recognition. Publications of June-September 2017 ( In Journals of categories Q1-Q3)
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