The chemist from RUDN University, together with the colleagues, first created molecules’ catchers for energy source molecules of cells

The chemist from RUDN University, together with the colleagues, first created molecules’ catchers for energy source molecules of cells

For the first time, a team of Russian scientists together with RUDN University synthesized calixarenes capable of “trapping” adenosine triphosphoric acid (ATA) molecules and enclosing them inside their cavity. ATA molecules are a universal source of energy for most biochemical processes. They also act as an intercellular mediator.

The authors created a kind of molecular sensor that can not only recognize the ATA molecule among others, but also “capture” it. This was achieved thanks to the attachment to the upper part of the "bowl" of molecular receptors - groups of atoms that selectively bind only to compounds of a certain type. The atomic groups containing nitrogen introduced by scientists have shown high efficiency in the binding of ATA in solution.
Scientists synthesized several types of calixarenes. The first type included compounds with two or four attached receptors in the upper part of the molecule, the second in the lower part of the molecule. The remaining several types included combinations of the first two. After a detailed analysis of the chemical properties of each type of compound, the scientists revealed differences in their behavior and properties.
So, for example, when two specific groups are inserted in the lower part of the molecule, it begins to more efficiently bind adenosine diphosphoric acid (ADA) - a compound formed during the partial decomposition of ATA.

“Over the past two decades, many research groups have paid great attention to the synthesis of host molecules with high affinity for biologically important substances. Among these methods, the recognition and transfer of nucleotides — adenosine diphosphoric and adenosine triphosphoric acids — is of particular importance due to their great biological significance. Adenine-containing nucleotides are important as a universal source of energy and as intracellular mediators in many biological processes. For the first time, we created molecules based on calixarenes that can recognize ATA and ADA in a solution and bind to them at low concentrations ”says Viktor Khrustalyov, one of the authors of the work, doctor of chemical sciences, head of the inorganic chemistry department of the RUDN University.

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