RUDN Science Festival NAUKA 0+
22 Oct 2020
Within the framework of RUDN Science Festival NAUKA 0+ 2020 the following activities were conducted:
- RUDN Science World Quiz.
- Quiz questions belonged to different scientific fields. Who was not mentioned in Laplace’s Celestial Mechanics? Who accidentally destroyed one of the ancient empires? What is the secret ingredient that holds the stones of China’s Great Wall? Participants successfully took the quiz and unveiled new knowledge!
- Semifinal of “Moscow youth start” contest under the program “UMNIK” in the framework of the XV Science Festival RUDN 2020.
- Training of the International Model UN RUDNMUN (RUDNMUN) — training of the UN Security Council 2050 committee on the futuristic agenda “Prevention of arms race in outer space during the development of the Moon and Mars”.