RUDN held an international student scientific conference “Formation of ecological culture by means of tourism”

RUDN held an international student scientific conference “Formation of ecological culture by means of tourism”

October 22 at Hotel Business and Tourism Institute of RUDN in an online format of brainstorming held an international student scientific conference “The formation of environmental culture through tourism”.

The conference was held in an online format brainstorming session. In the beginning, the students were presented with practice-oriented master classes by Anna Gurinchuk, the general director of Travel Business School, Worldskills Russia expert, business trainer and by Pavel Ivanyi, the financial director of LableUp!

Anna Gurinchuk discussed several cases of successful territory branding in terms of their ecological and product attractiveness, as well as convenience for the host country. For example, Japanese Momiji Scarlet Maple Festival and French Lavender Festivals in Provence not only attract tourists from all over the world, but also provide a load on the tourist infrastructure in the less popular seasons. Anna noted that there are many similar opportunities in Russia, such as the blooming of natural fields of poppies and tulips in Kalmykia, unfortunately, completely unused by business so far.

Pavel Ivanyi gave the participants of the online brainstorming session practical advice on dealing with finances in times of global instability. According to his advice, startups should not be afraid of business angels and venture investors. He advised to talk frankly with creditors about the company’s position in the market and discuss financial results.

After the workshops, students were divided into teams, developed their concepts for startups in tourism and hospitality industry, and defended them in front of experts.

First place was taken by the project ecoquest “Secrets of the Okovsky Forest” developed by a team of the Russian State University of Tourism and Service Studies (RSUTS) and proposed for implementation in the Central Forest State Nature Biosphere Reserve in Tver region. Second place was divided between the teams of Russian International Academy for Tourism and Hotel Business and Tourism Institute, the third place was divided between the teams of L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University and Hotel Business and Tourism Institute. Teams of G.V. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics and Moscow State Institute for Tourism Industry n. a. Yuri Senkevich were awarded diplomas “For project integrity and comprehensiveness”.

Belarusian State University team was unanimously awarded a special diploma for the tested and successfully implemented project BY Guide, which is at the MVP stage and provides access to the entire range of agro-ecological tourism in Belarus on a single platform.

The conference was attended by students:

  • Belarusian State University,
  • L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University,
  • G.V. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics,
  • Russian International Academy for Tourism,
  • Russian State University of Tourism and Service Studies and Moscow State Institute for Tourism Industry n. a. Yuri Senkevich.
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