123 postgraduate students from 6 countries speak about their research at a conference at RUDN University

123 postgraduate students from 6 countries speak about their research at a conference at RUDN University

The scientific and practical conference “Expanding Boundaries” was held at RUDN Faculty of Philology. 123 postgraduate students from Kazakhstan, China, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Ethiopia and Russia spoke at round tables about their dissertations and theoretical and practical problems they face in their research.

“Such meetings with postgraduate students are very important for us. Firstly, it is an opportunity to see new faces. This year, almost all first-year postgraduate students took part in the conference. Secondly, the students were able not only to pick up new ideas for the development of their research activities, but also to communicate with each other informally, share experience, and discuss their plans for the future. The conference was definitely held not for show, but for the soul,” Anna Borisova, PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages, Deputy Dean for Science.

The presentations by postgraduate students touched on various areas of scientific knowledge — from classical philology to the specifics of media research. Round table participants discussed the spread of fakes in the Latvian media space, listened to a report on dichotomy in the work of Leonid Andreev, examined Cinderella as a precedent phenomenon, and analyzed online dating platforms from a psychological point of view.

“I was inspired by the opportunity to meet other postgraduate students and experts in various fields of philological research, discuss my work and hear their opinions and feedback. It was nice to realize that my ideas and some research results in the field of cultural scripts in the process of euphemization of the Uzbek language and its contrastive analysis in the Russian and English language systems arouse interest and stimulate further discussions. At the conference, I expanded my knowledge, learned about the latest trends in the field of linguocultural paradigm, cultural semantics and established new contacts,” Timur Alimov, postgraduate student of RUDN University.

“It was interesting to listen to reports on the language situation in Ethiopia and the successful adaptation of foreign students in the educational environment! These topics are not included in the list of my professional interests, so the information received turned out to be new and challenging,” Malaik Mashaev, postgraduate student of RUDN University.

“In such a creative atmosphere, one is encouraged to take the first steps on the difficult common path of science, especially when there are wise scientific supervisors and interested colleagues nearby. I liked the idea of a conference that was built around different humanities disciplines. This creates a wide range of topics and makes it possible to learn about different approaches to solving research problems,” Sergei Brailiovsky, postgraduate student at RUDN University.

“The participation of representatives from different countries in the conference was a huge advantage. Thanks to this, I was able to test some aspects of my dissertation and I am very grateful for this opportunity,” Maria Sarycheva, postgraduate student of RUDN University.

“The discussion of my report at the conference gave me an opportunity to look at my work from the outside and discover new and unexamined areas in it. Of course, it’s always interesting to know what your colleagues—psychologists, journalists, and philologists—are working on. Such communication expands the boundaries of research and inspires new thoughts and joint creativity,” Valeria Chaurova, postgraduate student of RUDN University.

The conference was co-organized by Kazan Federal University and Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

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