Let's go to the mountains: Yuri Dvornikov from RUDN University about climbing the Tien Shan

Let's go to the mountains: Yuri Dvornikov from RUDN University about climbing the Tien Shan

Ice rock, overnight in the mountains and 6100 meters above sea level... A scientist from the Agricultural Technological Institute went on an expedition to the Tien Shan.

“It was not possible to reach the top, Khan Tengri peak at an altitude of 7010 meters - due to strong winds. In general, in three weeks there were only two flight windows to get to the camp from where the ascent was supposed to begin. I will never forget how I had to make an emergency overnight stay at an altitude of 6100 meters due to bad weather. Another story is how we set up a tent in very strong winds!” — Yuriy Dvornikov, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, junior researcher at the Smart Urban Nature Center of RUDN University.

This is not the first expedition for the scientist. There were trips to the Arctic, Antarctic, and high mountain regions. He climbed Elbrus, Kazbek, Kilimanjaro, Aconcagua and Lenin Peak, more than 20 expeditions in total.

“The route was interesting, but difficult. Lots of vertical walls - ice-rock, steep climbs. Initially, I planned a solo expedition, but there were 40 other climbers from different countries on the route with me,” — Yuri Dvornikov.

The key to success is good equipment, which should be light and functional. Otherwise, problems may arise when lifting.

“For example, my climbing crampons broke on the route, I had to go back and fix them. You also need to take only what you need with you. Every extra 200 grams at high altitude immediately makes itself felt,” — Yuri Dvornikov.

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